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hi doug

Post 21


Y'know Angel-I've put on 2stone since i started chatting to you..err all in the right places of course!But still i cant help myself i have to keeping dodgin' in for more..and i will have a look at that honours list to see how far your away from being the top honcho..err i must stop watchin' re-runs of Kojak i think i'm starting to talk like him.see you later Angel-take caresmiley - cheers

ps I just thought i'd drop this insmiley - porkpiesmiley - ale

hi doug

Post 22

Midnight Angel (ACE / G~A / GODDESS)

Morning Dougsmiley - biggrin
well i will have to stop giveing you the smiley - cake and smiley - tea and give yousmiley - corncob and smiley - tomato and smiley - strawberry all hand picked by my good self of course lol they are all organicsmiley - biggrin
smiley - cheers for thesmiley - ale but next time i would rather a smiley - stiffdrink plz my fav voddy with a dash of lemonade ice and a slice of lemon.
Im not to fussy am i?? lol

Speak soon take care.

smiley - angel..Angel..smiley - angelsmiley - peacedove

hi doug

Post 23


Wooow Angel-A vodka drinker heh!its funny you should mention booze we all went to an Irish Bar lastnight just for a change of scenery and beer...jeeez what a night there was a paddy group singing all the reb songs.Yep,it was a real good night and a feeling it today..theres a guy calls in a van selling sarnies y'know i'm no cheap skate but i reckon he's way over the top with the prices.and i would have to open my mouth and tell him so i said,"that i can get a loaf of bread and knock about twenty sarnies up for the price of one of his".So now i'm eating bread a i'll be dodging in for a few of your cakes.Take care Angel..see you later smiley - lovesmiley - cheers

hi doug

Post 24

Midnight Angel (ACE / G~A / GODDESS)

Hi Doug you came for some smiley - tea and smiley - cake then you shall have some

smiley - tea and a selection lol smiley - cakesmiley - cupcakesmiley - flansmiley - donut Hope you emjoysmiley - biggrin

Yeh i like the oddsmiley - stiffdrink sounds like you had a good nite apart from the bloke selling the sarnies i dont blame you i wouldnt pay there prices either.
im going out on the town next saturday with some m8s cant wait ive not been out since my birthday in feb that was a good week end yeh i said week end what was ment to be a night out ended up being a weekender lol

smiley - angel..Angel..smiley - angel
smiley - peacedove

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