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I dont know if...

Post 1

The Magster

you are as offensive in real life as you are on the boards and I don't know if you have tendencies that are unhealthy but to be on the safe side, I will be doing as I said I would on AF, later this evening. You have alluded on several occasions to knowing what is happening in childrens forums etc and as a mother, I am not prepared to take the risk. I used to think you were relatively harmless, a sort of all mouth and trousers guy, but your ramblings of late are becoming deeply disturbing. I am sorry if you are innocent but as I said, I cannot take the risk. You have only yourself to blame for people possibly drawing the wrong conclusions. You take great comfort in the fact that people have been beaten up because of their anti nazi stance which is a bit sad when taken on its own but put together with all your other ramblings...well I don't need to say anymore.

I dont know if...

Post 2


Just in forming you that i have made a print out of your message last message to me on the AF board. i found its content very inflammatory...and i will be going to an higher authority about it!

I dont know if...

Post 3


just say i have made a print out of the last message you sent me on the AF which i thought was very Inflammatory...and i'll be showing this to an higher authority and to seek legal Advice

I dont know if...

Post 4

The Magster

fine doug, you do that, you may find it inflamatory but I think if you examine it closely it is within the rules of the boards and therefore not inflamatory at all, it's all in your mind smiley - smiley

I dont know if...

Post 5


Well,Well,Magster honey-I've just had the print out made up and it's going to the to the Higher Authority..not to the BBC may had.But further afield than the BEEB.See you later i hope you have a dress for the occasion.

I dont know if...

Post 6

The Magster

lol Doug, like I said it is not offensive in the slightest and if someone is telling you that it is then you need to get better advice. If you need a good solicitor I can recommend quite a few.

I dont know if...

Post 7


I bet you can Mags..i suppose thats what the BBC said to you when you got in touch with them...and i dont know why you should know so many Solictors..Erm i and i dont want to know.But i know quite a few myself thro work that is.Anyway i've just put another message on the AF board for you.

I dont know if...

Post 8


Y'know i've just read this post thro..other times i dont bother reading your they're nonsensical.And now i know why i dont bother reading them...your like some sort of "Miss Jean Brodie" running roung the boards to see what you can hang on to.But if you ever say i endanger kids again i'll be doing something about it.And i'll be pleased to hear what the BBC about your's you and your cronies that are calling other postees.So in future i would like you to stop posting to me...because you and your childish ramlings are rather annoying

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