This is the Message Centre for U208660

please reply Doug!

Post 1


How strange is this...lost,lost lost!

Lousmiley - wah

please reply Doug!

Post 2


Hi Lou,so you made me i'm just trying to get use
to it.after you login..go to who's on line that tell you who's
on the board.Then you can get in touch with the guys off the 5
board..ifyou drop into my space reply to one of Kris's post and
that will give Kris's space number.see ya later Lou..take care Doug.

please reply Doug!

Post 3


Hey Loulou,I've look for you and i cant find you..anywhere just using the message you
sent me.Go to my space and see Kris's id or just log on to on of my replies i sent to her
and that should put you thro to Kris.

please reply Doug!

Post 4


Hi Lou-Just thouth i'd drop in to see how your seems like ages since i had a chat with you.See you later.smiley - smiley

please reply Doug!

Post 5


Hi Lou-Just thouth i'd drop in to see how your seems like ages since i had a chat with you.See you later.smiley - smiley

please reply Doug!

Post 6


Hi Doug..I'm back! I forgot about this place but I had problems logging in for a while, I think it was during a spell when I was being a bit naughty on FLN...I think they blacklisted me across the whole of bbc!

Getting the hang of it now smiley - smiley

please reply Doug!

Post 7


hi lou-i've been doing a bit of stirring myself on the AF and FLN.H.ll it's funny all you have to say is BNP..and they out the woodwork.Bl..dy great sport tho Lou.Pleased to see that your back and in fine fettle again lou.smiley - smiley

please reply Doug!

Post 8


I shall take your comments as the highest of compliments..yes I am a bloody good sport...seen me back down yet? And don't you just love winding wendy, bushy, anthony et al up!!!!smiley - cheers

please reply Doug!

Post 9


smiley - cheers Lou-I'm not even a member of the bl..dy party..but i've said so i have to keep it running.did you see that post were i said i write speeches for great,but even they wouldn't have me writing for them with my spelling my spelling.I hope you and Mr lou-and the rest of the Lou's,have a great Easter,Take care.Dougsmiley - pirate

smiley - alesmiley - porkpie <SMILEY TYPE="boing"/>

please reply Doug!

Post 10


Now i've forgot to cut a paste..Hey,maybe thats why they want me in the BNP smiley - wah

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