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ay up doug

Post 121


hug> ta for keeping me laughin and smilin

not feeling wordy today yet...just smiley - cuddle -Y!!!!

pop back later to say tara for the weekend smiley - tongueout

smiley - ok kris smiley - smooch

a doug a day keeps D blues away

Post 122


hi duggles - i havent felt like talking at all today - i wonder if i am feeling subchewed. i hope you have a great weekend and we both get back here for monday. (i am still on borrowed time lol.)

that standing up thing only half worked out - i still can only do so much time at pc fore it bites. i will have to do a re-think if i am going to carry on playing here regular. one girl i know does it lying down - i might think try that next lmao smiley - biggrin

big hugs - i am glad we are mates.

smiley - love kris

a doug a day keeps D blues away

Post 123


Hi Kris-I'm feelin' a bit low meself it looks like Southgates on his way to Manu.I've just been chattin' to a mate and he's just got NorWeb runnin' his phone and he reckons it's a great company they'er always droppin 25 Quids worth of Phone calls so i might just ring up and get the Gen about it.Y'know i'm thinkin about binnin' this NTL it's rubbish i'm payin'42 brick a month for this broadband and its rubbish..anyway moan over see yeh Monday Kris take care smiley - love to you and yours.

smiley - fullmoonsmiley - footprintssmiley - batsmiley - footprintssmiley - vampiresmiley - tomato

a doug a day keeps D blues away

Post 124


mmmm- patience is the thing smiley - laugh sooner or later it pays d'vid ends

not to worry about if southgate goes. there is no telling with footie and i think portsmouth look like they're fittin themselves up for a battle and i have always like old harry so it should be interesting to see how they upset the apple cart. boro can do the same. smiley - ok

i am off out in the sunshine for a bit - smiley - hug

i'm wild again, beguiled again,

and im off to the game like a child again

bewitched, boro'd and oooo- i forgot to keep telling myself that thing when i look in the mirror in the morning, like you said ages back, i will start doing it again today. it makes me laugh so much. take care dougs. cya soon

smiley - love kris

a doug a day keeps D blues away

Post 125


Goooood Mornin' Kris-eeeeeeeeeeeee i must of upset someone y/day cos who ever put Dug the creep oon the board was rather irate.Anyway Kris me owld mate when i look in the mirra now..i always say Hi good lookin' no wonder owld Bushy Baby..and Pattie Baby loves yeh yer a handsome devil Dug then i kiss the owld mirra.See ye later Kris i'm goin' down the owld Pigfarm for me leg of lamb..take care Kris lots of smiley - love to you and yours ooooh and owld Mell-see yeh the Morrowsmiley - loveowld Dugs

a doug a day keeps D blues away

Post 126


hey doooooogiieeee! lol yeah i bin aware all along... it was a long time coming. u must have the patience of a saint to carry it off smiley - devilsmiley - winkeye ummmmm i seee i need to admininster a slap to a 10th rate sleazy tabloidal wannabe journo who is probably currently compiling want ads in local weekly free rag. (some kinda lyin nadless gutless witless hound)

yup - will pass on your good wishes to mel this very day. hugs and all that other good stuff

smiley - love kris

a doug a day keeps D blues away

Post 127


are you trying out what it is like to be al ??? smiley - tongueout

i wouldnt do it there and i aint doin it here.

smiley - love & smiley - hug always - i aint read to go mental.

morning doogie

Post 128


smiley - tongueout frip me that is the last time i am bothering to read anymore of that bb drivel - your intelligence (hehehe)is outside my comprehension since you all went potty.

anyway, i had a nice chat with mel this morning and asked him if he would like me to pass on a message to yuh and he said yeah so here it is

"fu'k ov you english bastud and i mean that most sincerely - up the bnp"

there you go - hope you start feeling better soon my doug mate. i aint wastin my time with boooloks

smiley - love kris

morning doogie

Post 129

Dog Breath Deep

well if it aint me ole long losy bruvver duggles

smiley - footprintssmiley - footprintssmiley - footprints
smiley - alesmiley - burgersmiley - ale
smiley - footprintssmiley - footprintssmiley - footprints

morning doogie

Post 130

Dog Breath Deep

duggels me owld bruvver, aint ya gonna say ello to yer owld bruvva?
remember wen me and yu went down the owld playgrounds lookin at the likkle kiddliwinles and marvellen at the way they playyeddidoodoed? O wot laffs and chukkles we did ave back then
still wiv the owld bnp then duggles me owld fruitee bruv
still bashin the shite out ov folks
O we ad such good times, likkle bit fut ere and likke bit ov fist dere, still its just a laff aint it me owld bruvva
i'll be back soon duggles so me and you kan ave sum fun agin

smiley - footprintssmiley - alesmiley - porkpiesmiley - footprintssmiley - footprintssmiley - footprints

morning doogie

Post 131

Dog Breath Deep

duggles me owld mukka, cum on, sing me a song like yew used ta when we went to the bnp ralleees togeva
O thowse were the days werent they me owld mukka bruvva
wots up duggles, yew is spendin to mach tyme wiv that chik, shes duin yer brains in me owld mukka, yew need sum tyme wiv the boys

smiley - footprintssmiley - footprintssmiley - footprintssmiley - footprints

morning doogie

Post 132


eeeeeeuuuuucccchhhhh! ugh do me a favour

clear off yer stinkin piece o dogpile

sheesh what a pile-ridden craphole your gob is dog breath

morning doogie

Post 133



smiley - fairysmiley - footprintssmiley - handbagsmiley - footprintssmiley - discosmiley - footprintssmiley - footprints

morning doogie

Post 134


Hi Kris-just dodge in to see how your doing but i dont think you will be in till late tomorrow because i suppose you have caught the concorde to Texas for the weekend and by now you will be riding your Harley with your brain surgeon friends.I hope you manage to keep your dustbag empty and there is no power cuts..i'll see you when you get back babe err that is if your not riding your mountain bike honey lots of smiley - lovesmiley - roseDougsie.

morning doogie

Post 135


Good Morning Peedo/Magster-just to tell yeh i had one helluva night lastnight i was tellin' the lads about yeh gawd they couldn't stop laffin anyway they're going to dodge i to see your post aaaaw by-the-way i got you the owld UNION JACK tee shirt see yeh later babes take caresmiley - lovesmiley - roseDougsie

bye laws

Post 136


for dirty dogs, there ought to be some.

what are you on about now doug mate - i dont know any brain surgeons, never bin on concorde. i havent had a laugh on here for days..i reckon i feel a song comin' on

wish me luck as you wave me bye bye

cheerio here i go on my way smiley - musicalnote

you'll make your new friends so will i

as you go on your mow' and i fly smiley - angel

smiley - lovesmiley - hugsmiley - ok kris smiley - discosmiley - discosmiley - discosmiley - diva take care doug mate

bye laws

Post 137


Looks looks like someone's taking your name over Kris if it aint you i'm sorry.If yourgoing take care nowsmiley - rosesmiley - rose

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