This is the Message Centre for Number Six

PK - You're here too!

Post 1



Hope you don't me invading your space smiley - smiley

Just noticed you're here also and thought I'd drop in to say hello.


PK - You're here too!

Post 2

Number Six

Hi Sarnia smiley - biggrin

Yup, I'm mooching around here too. LOL. Don't you remember saying hello a few days ago ? I think we'd both been on the smiley - ale that night.

What's up in Sarnialand ? I liked your comments on "Todays News" about PC and what not. If you call by again, I'll have a bottle of chablis on chill for you.

smiley - cheers


PK - You're here too!

Post 3


Hi P K,

Did you? I thought I'd gone over the top and didn't dare peek at the boards the next day for ages. Anthony took it well though, and I hadn't really meant him personally.

Sometimes all the negativity just gets to me.

Right! Pass the bottle over....

Cheers smiley - smiley

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