This is the Message Centre for BradSlovan

Brad - found you!

Post 1

Doctor Strangegloves

Right, that took bloody ages! Can't be doing with all thsi complication at my age!

Yes it's me, Doctor Strangegloves, aka Daddy Cool, aka Sir Quentin Rentaquote MP, aka Col. R. F. Nutcase (Ret'd), aka kolya, aka backchat bob, scourge if Ian Johnston (who seems to havbe turned nice recently).

OK, how do you switch this off.....oh , he..

Brad - found you!

Post 2


DR you old devil guess who I am?

takes off wig

I'm Jennie Girl!!!!!!

It's an on going project to get ian in the shower (or Mel since he turned sour)

sorry !

Brad - found you!

Post 3

Doctor Strangegloves



You b***stard!

Brad - found you!

Post 4


the irony is I come on being deliberately abusive (to Father Ches - bit of a red herring that one), homophobic and generally stomping around in my posh girl stilletos and Pat is the one who ends up in Pre Mod!
(see the "This Is...” threads on my site on this (h2g2) for how it developed also type in Bushwack’d Sarnia, Pat Pen, Free to Flow (Kris) in advanced search - friends...welcome aboard

btw I’m glad i finally found out who the colonel was.....I saw your last posting revealing it as Suzy Sue...nice touch...I used to p*** myself laughing at some of your old Col posts, very sharp...the inspiration for Sgt Redneck and Father Ches

Brad - found you!

Post 5

Doctor Strangegloves

Ah-thank-you, m'boy.

Brad - found you!

Post 6

V Max

Wotcha. Blimey, I couldn't even decide whether you and Brad were one and the same or not. What a tangled web!

Brad - found you!

Post 7


V Max bout time you showed up go to 'this is' conversation where the Pirates are

welcome to the den shipmate

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