This is the Message Centre for BradSlovan

Attention Brad!

Post 1


Have you got this thing working yet Brad?

Attention Brad!

Post 2


im trying...needs a kick!

Attention Brad!

Post 3

Pat Pending

Keep trying. Suspect Bushy and his hangover may have gone home for the day (prove me wrong Bushy!)

Attention Brad!

Post 4


Yes and no! Have gone home but have ADSL... Not sure if I will make it out tonight either so you might have to put up with even though school is out!

Welcome Brad!!

Attention Brad!

Post 5

Pat Pending

Evening Bushy: night in with the remote control is it?

Attention Brad!

Post 6


Possibly... Anything on the box?

Attention Brad!

Post 7

Pat Pending

Come and join us in the conversation "Another Country heard from" in Brad's personal space: your bath mate is there, looking to massage something or other.

Attention Brad!

Post 8



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