This is the Message Centre for BradSlovan

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Post 1

Pat Pending last: about bl**dy time too.

Search for me, Bushy or Sarnia (all case sensitive and need full name) in the "Find A Friend" feature in the advanced search, and come and join us.

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Post 2


Hi Pat,

How do you that then? Do you just type "Find a friend"? I only found you just now by clicking on the Who's Online bit, seeing your name and clicking on it.

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Post 3

Pat Pending

Hi Sarnia,

At the top of this page there's a search box. Immediately to the left of that there's written "Advanced Search". Click on that, with nothing in the search box, and it'll take you to a new page. Scroll down the new page, and at the bottom there's a "Search for a Friend" section where you type a name into a search box. Problem is, you need to know what name they've registered under: took me a while to find Brad because, being a muppet, he's registered as "BradSlovan" (all one word). Still, hopefully he'll find us now.

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Post 4


Thanks - tried it on your name, but it came up with articles about pens for goodness sake!

Can't stay long though. How does one get to someone else's "space"? By doing the "friend search" thing?

You might have gathered by now, that I am not much of a techie!

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Post 5

Pat Pending

I think names are case sensitive (might be wrong about this)

To get to someone's personal space, click on their name at the top of a message they've posted and you should be taken straight there.

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Post 6


Thanks Pat,

if only it were simpler smiley - smiley

Blueyland bit dull today, wasn't it?

Loved last Friday's episode on the Food Chat board - I was laughing for ages.

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Post 7

Pat Pending

Ooh, ooh, you've worked out smilies before me: not fair.

Haven't really been to blueyland since this morning, but am happy to take your word for it. Last Friday was v enjoyable: we need Brad the Man to lead us somewhere tomorrow (because I am but a humble sheep and can not think for myself).

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