This is the Message Centre for Sarnia

So this is where you've been

Post 1


Hi Sarnia, this is all very exciting isn't it?!

So this is where you've been

Post 2


Hi Loulou,

Yes, it's quite a laugh. I've only just got back from London (I went on Friday morning) so was not involved in Friday's raid.

Glad you've found us all!

smiley - cheers

So this is where you've been

Post 3


Hi Sarnia-or Loulou,Just trying to get use to this i dont know which
one of you i've got..anyway have a nice day whoever you are.

So this is where you've been

Post 4


Hi Doug,

You've got us both I should think.

The best way is to click on the conversation called "is this". We all chat on that thread.

I was at the Bridge y'day to witness the 3-0 mauling of the Mackems smiley - smiley

So this is where you've been

Post 5

Number Six

Hi Sarnia, Doug smiley - cheers

Welcome Louloubelle. Heres some smiley - flan in case you're hungry.

Just drop the plate back when you're finished smiley - winkeye

Number Six aka PK

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