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Hope you start a new Eyes thread
abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein Started conversation Jun 26, 2005
Terri I wrote you an email rather than say much here but not sure you have read it. It is OK either way.
Many people will miss your "EYES" thread.
I hope you will reconsider.
Your friends will see it as a good sign.
I am sure we will not make the same mistakes.
Please come back even if you do not want your own thread
I am of course very curious about the last two emails you sent. Animal did not understand that I know you do not accept or send attachements. I did not want to risk another exe attachment.
I am sure you would have purged in email if possible
Hope you are sort of OK.
PLEASE let us know if you take off for a while.
It was nice to see you posting yesterday.
Hope you start a new Eyes thread
zendevil Posted Jun 26, 2005
Not got any email yet abbi.
I am fine, had a nice day at the lake today, actually Went Swimming for the first time in about 7 years! It has officially been declared a heatwave now, expecting temperatures of around 40° here tomorrow; hope it's a bit cooler where you are. Yoda is really moaning, she is so hot in her fur coat poor thing! Maybe we should have taken her with us to the lake; the folks next to us had brought their
I just hope we don't end up with lots of roasted old people this time, remember the last "canicule"?
Hope you start a new Eyes thread
abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein Posted Jun 26, 2005
No email?
Oh dear - my beast is acting infected then.
I am getting pages saying a specific browser needs to be chosen
Hope this posts.
Must be miserable with the heat, it is here.
I hope the elderly are being watched over and taken care of this time.
I yikesed my own post.
I hope they take it away.
I would not want that one unfound sibling to run across that It is too much information they might not know of....
Hope you start a new Eyes thread
abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein Posted Jun 27, 2005
Have not sent another email.
I need to look up the record and see if they were sent or what it says happened. I have had trouble with others also except when they have the same ISP as myself.
Been refused the removal of my h2g2 post that I requested.
My own fault
It does help my current outlook on future participation here any.
Currents Thoughts;
I do not want to risk talking about more emotional stuff in this venue or hurting others.
I've never been all that great at chit-chat.
Although I like a good laugh my humor does not come over well in writing ,so I rarely try. I enjoy reading others humor here. In fact you and Moose were the first people to get my humor!
The serious topics I enjoy when it is civil and not repeated endlessly. I am not a very good writer so it's usually as a reader.Moderate views are not very exciting to read. The more volatile ones are just set to flames and I understand that. I just do not have the energy to expand on stuff and not all that invested in doing so.
Writing entries are beyond me.
I drift too much which is the natural me but not always appreciated and I understand that. I am usually ignored or a thread ender on the stuff I want to post about. Maybe it's one in the same , never been sure.
It's physically more difficult so my participation has been less.
I have tried to do a bit more but I'm enjoying it less so I am intending to cut back more. H2g2 is a great place but *I feel* out of place here more often than before. Maybe I just now understand that or life is changing quickly. *sigh*
I would like to stay in touch because I like the people I have met here. I have always welcomed emails. I'll pop in some but plan at this time to post less often.
The computer failing may take the chances away soon anyway!
I'm glad I met you here Terri
Hope you start a new Eyes thread
zendevil Posted Jun 27, 2005
Just got your email, just replied to Kaz's very heavy one, just pissed viking off completely "why don't you just tell these stupid people to leave us alone; i want a private life!"
So, *if* another Eye thread gets started, no way do i mention anything personal, which rather defeats the object of a personal journal.
He had come round to me using internet, we are now back to much worse than square one; he is deeply insulted that people think he is abusing me; which he isn't. So 6 months patient effort down the spout.
Hope you start a new Eyes thread
Researcher U1025853 Posted Jun 27, 2005
I realise that this is a private convo, but I am hoping to help. Thank you for your reply Terri. In the meantime we have annoyed Viking, can he understand that it was due to us being over-protective? Can he be okay with starting again. If it would help to explain some of my past to him, to show why I am so over-protective, then please do. If he feels over-protective of you as well, then we all have something in common.
Maybe get him here and introduce him to us in a journal. I would happily 'talk' to him here if that would help. I do feel h2g2 is important to you because of the language isolation, so I hope we can work something out with all of us including Viking.
Now just one sod off from either of you and I will unsubscribe from this convo, I just posted here as that is where Terris latest post is.
Terri and Abbi and lots of
to sort this out.
Hope you start a new Eyes thread
zendevil Posted Jun 27, 2005
No sod offs i am sure from either of us, that's not my style or abbi's, it may be the initial type response from viking, but mainly due to language probs, honestly, subtle emotional stuff is pretty difficult; we tend to revert to pretty basic means of expressing things!
yes, he *is* ultra protective of me, if i am upset because of another person he goes into "daddy tiger" mode; often doesn't stop to listen to the reasons, all that matters is "my beloved is unhappy who has done this, it wasn't me for once!"
Honestly, i have decided the best way to deal with viking in a snit is simply to let him have his rant, let it wash over me, say "yes dear" every now & again & realise that he will come charging through the bad temper tunnel snuffling & grunting sooner or later, can't hurry the process! he is always contrite & genuinely sorry, give him a bit of space & time & we may be able to talk about it later calmly; but if i start blowing a fuse also, there is no chance!
No way on god's earth would he come on here, forget it; he is vehemently anti internet right now, he will calm down later, don't worry. let's all just try & do stuff, too bloody hot here to get worked up, tonight we seem to be heading for yet another big storm plus very strong winds; if it actually dropped the temperature it would be great, but it doesn't, just ruins the plants! Mine aren't too bad, being outside on ground floor, but vikings are on 3rd floor balcony so he has had to go rushing back to rescue them!
Hope you start a new Eyes thread
zendevil Posted Jun 28, 2005
Thanks. It seems to be blowing over now.
It's 6 months since the Tsunami, they are still trying to rebuild lives, now into the "real" work phase which is just hard slog, not eye catching headlines & disaster pictures.
Apparently they need English teachers urgently. So i just sent an email; doubt they could use someone who has physical probs, but you never know; it would need a lot of organising though.
As always, limited by bloody stupid money stuff, i would presumably have to find a way to get there and bully the French government into continuing to pay my benefits out there; i have a r'vous with social worker tomorrow, i shall mention this *if* i get a response from the Tsunami folks.
(before you ask, no, viking has no idea about this, *if* it came off he would either hit the roof or decide to volunteer also; he would do bloody well at something like this; big & strong, accustomed to living in foreign climes, managerial experience; hell, it could be the making of him....but no way would i push it!)
We shall see; i probably won't even get a reply.
Key: Complain about this post
Hope you start a new Eyes thread
- 1: abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein (Jun 26, 2005)
- 2: zendevil (Jun 26, 2005)
- 3: abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein (Jun 26, 2005)
- 4: zendevil (Jun 27, 2005)
- 5: abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein (Jun 27, 2005)
- 6: zendevil (Jun 27, 2005)
- 7: Researcher U1025853 (Jun 27, 2005)
- 8: zendevil (Jun 27, 2005)
- 9: Researcher U1025853 (Jun 27, 2005)
- 10: zendevil (Jun 28, 2005)
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