This is the Message Centre for zendevil

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Post 1


Terri added me to her "friends list"! Yeah! smiley - cheers

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Post 2


smiley - biggrin

Aw, how nice, i've made someone happy!smiley - loveblush

I am always wary of the friends list thingy 'cos some people don't actually like being added; if it means they get millions of my posts cluttering up their space!

So, welcome to the gang; wander round & bother all the rest of them, have a smiley - redwine, introduce the smiley - cat to the smiley - mouse, do whatever you want!

smiley - cheers

zdt*taking time out for herself right now: dear me, it feels good!*

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Post 3


Hi Terri, I'm smiley - drunk again. How are you?

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Post 4


Greetings Hubfudge,

i am getting quite deliberately smiley - drunk enough to hopefully pass out & when i wake up all my problems & yours will be solved; alternatively, they will still be there but we will also have a smiley - hangover

hiddly pom, twiddly dom


No Subject

Post 5


I am totally loosing it over this guy. I went into the threrapists today and ranted for 45 minutes and walked out in a huff after she kept on about how I was persueing "unavailable men" I got off line a couple hours ago or so and was continuing to fume over him not calling or emailing. I had another couple or 4 shots of vodka, and prepared to walk the dog. I decided to come back on for a few while the vodka kicked in and lo and behold, an email! But I still haven't read it. Now I am so worked up about this I'm afraid to read it. Jjust took a Seroquel. ?Will sleep soon. Called a friend to ask her to come over and read it. but she's not home. Maybe I'll calm down enough to read it before I pass out. Effin effed, I am.

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Post 6


Terri, I finally downloaded msn. I couldn't before cause of my outdated OS. So I was hoping to add you to my contacts list there. Is that OK and how do I find you there?

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Post 7


Incredibly difficult to decode; i am: know the rest!


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Post 8


smiley - dohsmiley - erm I appearantly don't know the rest cuz I can't find it. smiley - wah

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Post 9


hotmaildotcom! Unless something has changed, which is possible, i am useless with these things.


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Post 10


Ah, I was looking for that wanadoo address. smiley - bigeyessmiley - ta

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Post 11


We seem to have made contact, you have been added to my MSN list!smiley - ok

Might not be on much over the next few days tho 'cos of birthday & visitors, you may even get Roadkill instead of me, but give it a go!


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