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Terri??? yeah baby!
simply scruff singing a rainbow Started conversation Apr 19, 2004
Terri with an I?? terri with an I! my life is complete, I knew another one of us existed. Do you ever get a starnge urge to break people's legs when they spell Terri with a y? cos i don't....honest.
scruff X
Terri??? yeah baby!
zendevil Posted Apr 19, 2004
Yup, i actually used to start signing things Terri with an eye drawing at the end!!!!
My surname is even worse, it is Stirling, most people assume it's with an E!
I only changed my name to Terri 'cos I was so fed of with people asking "Oh, is that Teresa, Theresa or Thérèse?"
So, do you get the "But that's a boys name!" bit too?
Terri??? yeah baby!
simply scruff singing a rainbow Posted Apr 19, 2004
yup i made the mistake of saying to one of the comedians in the comedy club we go to every week that i was welsh and was called terri. oooooooooooh that was a fun night anyway congratumalations on having an 'individual' name (i been tellin myself that for years)
scruff X
Terri??? yeah baby!
zendevil Posted Apr 19, 2004
did you start off as Teresa & have to endure yrs of the "ho ho, trees R green!" nonsense?
Hey, posted to you somewhere else to come & wreak havoc on my journal space, "Birds Eye" thread, anarchy rules over there & there is someone who is dying to meet you!
Terri??? yeah baby!
simply scruff singing a rainbow Posted Apr 21, 2004
lol no i'm terri just terri thank god. no offence to the name teresa i just hate it is all. Unfortunately my mother recently told me how i got my name, i was in fact named after some bloke on brookside. cheers for that mam. i'm actually about to shimmy on down to the birds eye thread this minute so see u there.
scruff X
Terri??? yeah baby!
zendevil Posted Apr 21, 2004
My dear departed Mama informed me i was only called Teresa becuse i was supposed to have been a boy called Terry!
Hell, i will try & do better next time i get born, fancy being the wrong sex!!
Terri??? yeah baby!
simply scruff singing a rainbow Posted Apr 23, 2004
lol i think personally my mam only called me terri because she couldn't be bothered to think of different names for a girl and a boy. the brookside story was just a lie to make me think she actually put a little thought into things. but hey no complaints there's two of us now and all is well
scruff X
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Terri??? yeah baby!
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