This is the Message Centre for zendevil
Hi Terri ;-) Shazz here!
zendevil Posted Feb 6, 2004
And you shazz!!
I've missed you & , not going into details, you know most of them.
Just posted on Morts "positive hootoo" thread in reply to your post. maybe it's time i got back into things again?
New email address, i will send you a quickie. Phone number is still the same, i assume yours is?
How's life in clogland?
Hi Terri ;-) Shazz here!
Post Team Posted Feb 6, 2004
Like you it's been a hard few weeks - but things are looking up now thank god!
You and Hootoo Home are definitely missed by many people and we would welcome you back with open arms.
If you are up for a while yet I'd love to give you a ring... ?
Hi Terri ;-) Shazz here!
shazzPRME Posted Feb 7, 2004
I agree It is great to have you back!
Anyway, I've now fulfilled my subbing obligations so have time to sort out that little matter we were chatting about yesterday - or the day before.
Please remind me that I am an old fart and staying drinking with teenagers until 5am in the morning is not a good idea for someone my age!
Hi Terri ;-) Shazz here!
zendevil Posted Feb 7, 2004
REMINDER: FAO: The esteemed Editor of .
<< You are an old fart and staying drinking with teenagers until 5am in the morning is not a good idea for someone your age! >>
I have been called many inappropriate things recently, but "teenager" is a new one.
I am agonising over how to respond to this. I shall go & check my emails i think.
Hi Terri ;-) Shazz here!
Post Team Posted Feb 8, 2004
I was referring to the outrageous time I got home from Het Kasteel both on Thursday Night *and* Friday night! Saturday I didn't have to work so thought it wise to stay home... and catch up with outstanding Post work.
You should have received plenty through your email to keep you reading for a few days!
Hi Terri ;-) Shazz here!
zendevil Posted Feb 8, 2004
Yep, got it!
But this doesn't explain why, yet again, we are both onlione at 5am now?????
I have an excuse, i am preparing for hosting the Sunday brunch from Hell.
Guests include:
One ex partner & his new one:
who is an ex junkie & er...let's just say she would be very much at home in one of those windows you have in your town
One fully fledged & certified total loony, complete with flute
One father of another ex, alcoholic, poet & non'English speaking
One unknown person, recently released from jail where he served his time for murder
One more certified loony, male, with a preference for strange activities with females, especially very young ones
WHY am i staying i this place???? What's that TV series "I'm a celebrity, get me out of here"??????
If i survive, it should make a good write-up!
Hope life is slightly more sane at your end!
Hi Terri ;-) Shazz here!
zendevil Posted Feb 9, 2004
just goes to show life still has the power to astonish.
let me know when you're up for a gossipy phone call!
Hi Terri ;-) Shazz here!
Post Team Posted Feb 10, 2004
Ooooooooooooooooooh yes
Anything for a bit of gossip!
Sorry... been in Postmode all day and forgot to drop over and check this page earlier. Rats!!!
I reckon the best time would be after I have The Post up on Wednesday night/Thursday morning... around 1.30 our time?
Hi Terri ;-) Shazz here!
Post Team Posted Feb 12, 2004
Well, as we say in Holland 'Wat leuk'
Fabulous to chat again and excellent news all round.
... the plot thickens
Key: Complain about this post
Hi Terri ;-) Shazz here!
- 1: Post Team (Feb 6, 2004)
- 2: zendevil (Feb 6, 2004)
- 3: Post Team (Feb 6, 2004)
- 4: shazzPRME (Feb 6, 2004)
- 5: zendevil (Feb 6, 2004)
- 6: shazzPRME (Feb 7, 2004)
- 7: zendevil (Feb 7, 2004)
- 8: Post Team (Feb 8, 2004)
- 9: zendevil (Feb 8, 2004)
- 10: zendevil (Feb 9, 2004)
- 11: Post Team (Feb 10, 2004)
- 12: zendevil (Feb 11, 2004)
- 13: Post Team (Feb 12, 2004)
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