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I'm touched really I am,
Z Started conversation Sep 5, 2003
But I'm ashamed to say, contry to Neil's estmation that I was doing work on my degree, I've been distracted by the Birmingham Beer Festival. I'd love to go back as well, they have 12 different sorts of real cider and Perry on sale. but seriously I'm fine.
I'm sorry I couldn't answer my phone, I was in a lecture but I'm really fine.
I'm touched really I am,
zendevil Posted Sep 7, 2003
You are indeed fine; in fact you are one of the finest people I've ever met!
*Z es horribly &
s away*
I AM ON MSN even as we squeak to your poor neglected flatmate; WHY did you make him go all the way to Australia to escape your ?
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I'm touched really I am,
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