This is the Message Centre for zendevil

Cheese boxes?

Post 21


The site was a few posts back, so here it is again, sorry about pop ups!

zdt (commissions gladly undertaken, spread the word please!!!)

Cheese boxes?

Post 22


Awesome pic!

Cheese boxes?

Post 23



which one?


Cheese boxes?

Post 24


I only looked at the cheese box one cause it was yours. Are the others yours too. I suppose I could look at them even if they aren't yours. Should I?

Cheese boxes?

Post 25



Yup, the photos & paintings are mine too! Do look, it's free!!


Cheese boxes?

Post 26


OK, I looked at all of them now. I love the paintings especially the one on the bottom.

Cheese boxes?

Post 27

QueenBronners - Ferret Fanatic

Hiya there!

How did the first day of your exhibition go? I hope you had a lot of interest as your work is really good. I'm afraid France is a bit far for me at the moment but I'm with you in spirit! Spooky! smiley - ghost

smiley - love


Cheese boxes?

Post 28


Hiya Cubie!

The first day went OK, heard someone say "smiley - cool pics!" which cheered me up! I was still finishing off sorting stuff out, this is normal, the way they do it here is : officially the xpo opens on, say the 14th, but nothing really gets going till the "Vernissage" (literally "varnishing", ie, its set up & just needs the fancy bits adding)

That's on Thursday (17th), when the world & his wife are invited to eat, drink, be merry & listen to the wonderful young band who are playing "Mr.Protector"

HEY, i have invited at least 3 RATS!!!!! hopefully a ferret may pitch up too! Plus several smiley - dogs. (these are friends & family of street people i know.....i do hope the Mayor will be pleased to see them!)smiley - evilgrin

ho ho, social equality time c/o smiley - zensmiley - devil

*Moi? stir up trouble? Never!smiley - winkeye*

Cheese boxes?

Post 29

QueenBronners - Ferret Fanatic


I wrote a reply to you yesterday but it got lost as HooToo demanded that I sign in again! I had to get some w**k done so I gave up!

Anyway, how's it going now? Did your Vernissage all work out and did the animals all get along? Did the Mayor appreciate the turn out of four footed friends to meet him?

How was the band?

So many questions!

I've been having a quiet few days as I've got a bit of a cold. No ferret stories really as they've been quite lethargic due to the warm weather. Hoeg took 10 minutes to wake up this morning, he was yawning so hard his eye's were watering!

smiley - love


Cheese boxes?

Post 30


smiley - rofl at sleepy ferret!

Here in France they have a great phrase for the " i awake?" state, they say "I am in the paté!"

As for the Vernissage, in some ways, very good, in others a whole heap of....

I am too tired to recap completely right now, but if you go to bird's eye, dear Roadkill has summarised it from email i sent to him & abbi, i think its around posts 4000. (wow, lotta posts!)

Rats & ferrets didn't pitch up, nor mayor, but did get severalsmiley - dogs! Plus humanoid beastssmiley - grr..;but i won't go into that here, go see birds eye (& please say hi whan you get there, i've told them there's a ferrety friend out there!smiley - winkeye)

smiley - cheers


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