This is the Message Centre for zendevil

Helllo Terri, did you get my e mail

Post 1


I can't check my e mail from this placement because they've blocked the website smiley - wah but I just wanted to say hello, and that I'm thinking of you....

Helllo Terri, did you get my e mail

Post 2


Hello, my dear!

Yes, I got it & replied; thank you for thinking of me; I confess I was getting worried, especially since spim finally confessed he hadn't been able to get through to you on the mobile!

Don't worry, I understand the problems; still battling with Tiscali at this end!

BUT just to put your mind totally at rest, absolutely everything else in life at the moment is absolutely smiley - flyhi, including & especially the smiley - love bit!

Both of us can't wait till Friday; well, we can, 'cos we have to but you know what I mean.smiley - winkeye to the extent that I've "come out" as it were on the eyes thread, so do pop by & say hello if you get chance.

Hope all's well chez vous, glad Neils doing nicely too; squeak soon; keep looking for your mobile, it must be somewhere!

Take care, have fun, don't work too hard!

smiley - love

smiley - zensmiley - devilTerri.

Helllo Terri, did you get my e mail

Post 3


I'll e mail you with my new moblie number...

Helllo Terri, did you get my e mail

Post 4


Got it!

smiley - ta

squeak soon

smiley - run (things to do; the B.S list now looking unlikely to get finished; but who cares in the grand scheme of things,!)smiley - biggrin

smiley - zensmiley - devilTerri.

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