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Lurk, Lurk!
Matholwch - Brythonic Tribal Polytheist Started conversation May 8, 2003
As I was so nicely invited I've popped in for a peruse.
Angouleme huh? I've been there a few times to visit a factory (Leroy Somer if I recall correctly). I also holiday annually in the Black Mountains in a little ville called Mazamet. Lovely area with a very relaxed spirit to it.
Matholwch le francophile /|\.
Je suis un European!
Lurk, Lurk!
zendevil Posted May 8, 2003
OH MY GOD()DESS? LEROY SOMER!!!! I live in the same street!
Today has been so bizarre, the coincidences defy description!
The Leroy somer connection has cropped up before, one of my very closest hootoo friends is Z, see my friends list or the links at the top of my page to find him. We had a very long chat about Leroy Somer, I reckon there are now 4 of us who recognise the existence of the damn place (the other one being ; Chan Mick le Frog; also see my friends list)
It is great to see you on here, if you want to blow a few more minds, just go onto the "eyes" thread, strangely enough, you might find that you have bumped into a few of these people before!
Definite in the air today, as I was just remarking on the Abuse Survivors thread!
ps: if you go to my "very own links" bit of my journal, on post 1à there is a direct link to the Angoilême website, all in Frog of course, but some good pics! Are you coming to the Paris meet? It would be great to see you if so! (kitchen can stock up nicely over here
Lurk, Lurk!
Matholwch - Brythonic Tribal Polytheist Posted May 9, 2003
Hi Terri & Yoda .
I should point out that I don't actually live in la belle France. I am from deepest Wales (Pays des Galles?). I do, however, get over at least once a year as I have a penchant for good food, good wine and good company.
Thus, I am afraid, I shall not be attending the Paris Meet .
Matholwch /|\.
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Lurk, Lurk!
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