This is the Message Centre for zendevil

Don't Close Your EYES

Post 1

psychocandy-moderation team leader

I will endeavor to do all I can to help make this a pleasant place for you. I may need to quit adding to my own journal, for a while anyway. And I'm peeved aboout the profundity filter.

But I'll never quit reading the "Eyes" thread(s). To be honest, in a way, it's a nice central hub which enables me to keep up with you and a handful of other buddies, without needing to send emails to everyone. I couldn't find that kind of time.

You, my wooh, are one "stable" and consistent thing which keeps me hanging around hootoo, and you have proven yourself to be a Genuine and True friend, through good times and rough times.

I'd miss your "Eyes" threads if they weren't here to read.

But I can totally relate to needing a breather or a step back sometimes. It's why I had to give up ACE-ing... too little time, for one thing, and a need for hootoo to be a place I looked forward to visiting as opposed to a place I *had* to visit.

Don't Close Your EYES

Post 2


hiya C-wooh.

It's just that lately every time i come on here it seems there is some sort of thing that actually ends up bringing tears to my eyes; whether the changes to the place i knew & loved, idiotic new people trying (& seemingly succeeding) in abusing the self moderation system or simply too many people with too many problems that i can't possibly solve.

Combine that with the full time self imposed job of trying to get you know who through his stuff, which seems to involve daily changes in mentality; not all bad i have to say, but all puzzling & in fact very hard work & i am too dammed exhausted to cope with the other stuff.

Being an ACE is actually something i take quite seriously & it's very difficult if you don't really feel the "party line" is one you wish to toe; but at the same time there are responsibility issues, especially with young newbies & i think i squeak for ALL the ACES when i say as a group we are very stressed right now with the "mama/papa/police" role, but nowhere near as stressed as the Italics.

It's mainly that i realised the other night when viking said "go to your computer!" i thought "oh goad, maybe i would rather watch french TV, 'cos undoubtedly there will be problems on hootoo i can't possibly solve; this isn't relaxation/education/entertainment any's still social stuff, but the stress factor is starting to outweigh the pleasure & we can find other ways to socialise.

If i was allowed to say so, i would say it's a F *insert asterixs* crying shame. DNA would be weeping too.

smiley - cry

Don't Close Your EYES

Post 3

psychocandy-moderation team leader


It's been VERY difficult for me to get sorted that while I have made a few very dear and special friends here (of which you are one), I cannot and will not be a one-way online support sytem for any and everyone, any more. (I've also factored in that I work a nine or ten hour day and just don't want to spend my free time being upset by postings on a web site, no matter how malicious or vindictive the posting/poster) I've had to take a step back and tell myself "look, now you can only spare an hour or so a day at this, so make it worthwhile!".

Communication with you has always made it worthwhile. I'd never want to cease communication with you.

I can imagine how frustrating it must be having to toe the line sometimes- and RL throws enough stress your way not to need to stoke the flames.

If there's anything I can do to help offer some recreation and respite for you, say the word.

smiley - love and bisous!!

Don't Close Your EYES

Post 4


Bisous pour toi cherie aussi.

*grots teeth & translates "kisses for you too dear"

That's probably one of the other frustrations; the language thing. There comes a weird & possibly smiley - magic moment when you actually start thinking bilingually & probably brain connections go strange; making new pathways, lots of times recently i can think of how to say something in (bad ungrammatical, but understandable) french & seem to have forgotten the English equivalent.

This is hardly surprising, i live in France, most of my RL friends are French & the guy i spend most time with is French. But when i come on here, it's a relief to be able to squeak my native language; including word puns & so on. But if i have to watch out just in case i say something's entirely possible to do that accidentally via a typoo or using a frog word instead.

It all becomes massive brain work. On balance, RL communication in Franglais is easier than on here. I don't have to watch what i say; if i get it wrong & it seems important, we squeal at each other in both languages, find ways around it, draw pictures, mime, point or eventually reach for the dictionary.

All of which are now prohibited on here & i am once more on the verge of tears.



Don't Close Your EYES

Post 5

psychocandy-moderation team leader

Sounds like the tears have won out. Getting it on both fronts, RL and VR. Ugh. Let me know if there's anything I can do to help.

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