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Regarding the thing, for the stuff
psychocandy-moderation team leader Started conversation Mar 1, 2006
Hi there!
I'm going to give you a few days to bonk the stuffing out of Viking before we worry about coordinating the sending of the stuff which will help with the thing, which is used to do stuff with other things.
I know you know what I'm talking about... so why don't you drop me an email when you have the opportunity, and let me know when you'd be able to hobble out and pick up the stuff? I don't want it to sit there unclaimed...
Hope the reunion is fun and romantic. Promise me not to bop him with anything if he backpedals a little? He's only human, after all, and a man no less!
Regarding the thing, for the stuff
zendevil Posted Mar 2, 2006
I LOVE your way with words cherie!
I promise i will not bonk the stuffing out of this poor, helpless, mentally fragile little person. However, since he has bemoaned the fact that he feels his nether regions are on the verge of exploding; i do feel obliged to offer succour & comfort, bearing in mind the limitations of The Knee.
"honest doc, i fell over again, can't think how i could have done this, just when it was healing so nicely"
I shall email & we Shall Plot. I am suffering Mescaleros withdrawal, this could be dangerous for world politics.
I hope to gaod i have the latest email version right, maybe best if you send me a quickie so i am sure, then i reply host paste.
Regarding the thing, for the stuff
psychocandy-moderation team leader Posted Mar 2, 2006
I love the way you understand what the heck I'm talking about when I'm being vague. There's only one other person who can do that. And it's not me.
We Shall Plot soon, then. Meanwhile, I'm glad to hear Viking's back home and you're enjoying your reunion. Sounds like the exploding's already been done. Good.
I will look out for an email from you during the next day or two!
Regarding the thing, for the stuff
zendevil Posted Mar 2, 2006
It was a controlled explosion. He merely proclaimed "i am dead, you have killed me."
These things happen.
I haven't even looked at emails yet today; tsk tsk, can't imagine why....
Regarding the thing, for the stuff
zendevil Posted Mar 11, 2006
Internet is not on our side tonight; let's leave it till later; i also have neurotic cat insisting on sitting on lap; phone & keyboard & i am totally hopeless at text stuff.
And need finally to sleep.
Contact me however is easiest whenever tomorrow; the world ain't going to dissolve if we can't get this sorted before Monday!
Regarding the thing, for the stuff
psychocandy-moderation team leader Posted Mar 11, 2006
OK, worst case scenario is I will sort it first thing in the AM Monday from my work Beast, or by phone.
I am not too swift at text stuff, either. It's harder than it looks!
Sleep well, my wooh, and give Yoda a pat for me, will you? Herman sends a sniffy-kiss, too.
Regarding the thing, for the stuff
zendevil Posted Mar 11, 2006
just missed you on the
Never mind, we will Find A Way; worst case scenario is simply text me the number...but hopefully your beast will start co-operating again.
Yoda wants to marry Herman & have his kittens.
Regarding the thing, for the stuff
psychocandy-moderation team leader Posted Mar 11, 2006
I'm not sure what it is, but I can't complete online forms without continuously refreshing the browser window... which makes the bloody web site not want to accept my debit card for authorization, if you follow?
Absolute worst case scenario is I will be arriving at work Monday morning at approximately 7:00 AM my time- 2:00 PM your time. I can handle the transaction from there and then send an email or text message (my cell phone acts wonky in my office building- one of those big steel skyscraper types, but as I sit next to a huge window this shouldn't be an issue) with the number. I will also ask them to call you when it's all good.
Herman says he would gladly marry Yoda, but he's not sure she'd have him, as he couldn't provide said kittens. He's been neutered. (Actually, I'm keen on house cats being neutered, especially in a city this size. It's declawing I take issue with, and we all know he's got those claws intact!) He'd be happy to hump... we could make thousands- millions even- taking wagers as to how long till His Wobbliness fell off her.
Regarding the thing, for the stuff
zendevil Posted Mar 11, 2006
That suits both me & Yoda fine.
Yoda has supposedly been neutered too; but it doesn't stop her sitting in the window doing Amsterdam red light district impressions & driving the local toms wild.
The cat next door is often out 'cos his master works late; so howls to come in; he's Yoda's sort of boyfriend, they haven't actually bonked but i bet they would if mummy wasn't here as chaperone.
When i lived in the other place & she could go out, she would sit in the open window with her admirers wailing in frustration underneath, while she nonchalantly cleaned her toenails. I'm certain she actually did bonk some of them despite supposedly not being into this sort of thing.
I think she takes her cue from me maybe....
Regarding the thing, for the stuff
psychocandy-moderation team leader Posted Mar 14, 2006
I'm going to try to transact again today. My workload is rather heavy and our servers seem a bit slow, but I'll have a few spare moments this morning and you should be able to pick it up tomorrow.
Regarding the thing, for the stuff
zendevil Posted Mar 14, 2006
Sounds brill! Internet is being a pig for many folks it seems at the moment. It took me 20 minutes to get to my space on here & MSN is going off & on.
I assume email is OK at this end, but you never really know do you; if someone sent you something & you didn't get it; how do you know it should have been there?
zdt*server too busy message yet again*
Regarding the thing, for the stuff
zendevil Posted Mar 15, 2006
I am ready. Are you able to email; or is this MSN, text, phone or carrier pigeon? (Watch out if the last 'cos we have bird flu here....)
Off for a little right now; squeak later m'dear!
*It's OK; lurkers; we have been plotting to send strange items to each other for years. This is not abnormal.*
Regarding the thing, for the stuff
psychocandy-moderation team leader Posted Mar 15, 2006
Forwarded info by email (no viruses)- they told me you will need a photo ID as well.
I have indeed sent some strange items over the years- clock hands, guitar picks... have a box of curry to send over as well.
Regarding the thing, for the stuff
zendevil Posted Mar 15, 2006
Got the email!!!!!
I wonder if you could use some *really* tacky fridge magnets? One for you, one for K & one (of course) for Herman.
They will probably set off every security system in USA & be delivered to you via the FBI...let me know if you think it would work; they are quite flat & would go in ordinary mail envelope.
I'm sure the spices will get here OK; i have had spices sent before, they don't seem bothered about parcels containing strange powder!
I did a great typoo then, "The spies will get here OK"!!!
zdt*off to *
Regarding the thing, for the stuff
zendevil Posted Mar 15, 2006
PS: Snaily sent me a box of bones once; so if that got through...!
Lady P sends all sorts of stuff, including dead watches & a star of David flashing light fridge magnet...
Kaz has sent me tubs of vitamin tablets...
I am probably being monitored quite closely by security services
Regarding the thing, for the stuff
psychocandy-moderation team leader Posted Mar 15, 2006
Well, spices and slippers and CDs should get through just fine.
Let me know if there was any problem with getting this Stuff.
As for tacky fridge magnets, we can *always* use more. The more, the merrier, I always say, and that goes double for tacky gifts from special friends.
Regarding the thing, for the stuff
zendevil Posted Mar 15, 2006
Yippeee, i hung on before going out in case you managed to reply! Right, tacky magnets en route!!! I can post them at the same time as sorting the Stuff out.
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Regarding the thing, for the stuff
- 1: psychocandy-moderation team leader (Mar 1, 2006)
- 2: zendevil (Mar 2, 2006)
- 3: psychocandy-moderation team leader (Mar 2, 2006)
- 4: zendevil (Mar 2, 2006)
- 5: zendevil (Mar 6, 2006)
- 6: psychocandy-moderation team leader (Mar 6, 2006)
- 7: zendevil (Mar 11, 2006)
- 8: psychocandy-moderation team leader (Mar 11, 2006)
- 9: zendevil (Mar 11, 2006)
- 10: psychocandy-moderation team leader (Mar 11, 2006)
- 11: zendevil (Mar 11, 2006)
- 12: psychocandy-moderation team leader (Mar 14, 2006)
- 13: zendevil (Mar 14, 2006)
- 14: psychocandy-moderation team leader (Mar 14, 2006)
- 15: zendevil (Mar 15, 2006)
- 16: psychocandy-moderation team leader (Mar 15, 2006)
- 17: zendevil (Mar 15, 2006)
- 18: zendevil (Mar 15, 2006)
- 19: psychocandy-moderation team leader (Mar 15, 2006)
- 20: zendevil (Mar 15, 2006)
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