This is the Message Centre for northernguy

Hello there...

Post 1

Amy: ear-deep in novels, poetics, and historical documents.

... and welcome to h2g2! My name is Amy, and I'm an ACE - an assistant community editor. We ACEs go around greeting new researchers (newbies), and generally try to help out people in as many ways as we can. This often involves giving out lots of links, so bear with me... this is good for you. - the ACE homepage. This is a good place to find help if I'm not around, and to just learn more about what we ACEs do. - the Gurus are the techies of the site, a volunteer group that I'm also a part of on top of the Aces. We can answer just about any question about the site - from GuideML stuff (my specialty) to more technically based programming related things. - a community like this eventually breeds all sorts of news and interest - so we have a weekly newspaper just for that. Released every Thursday (Thing), early (or Wednesday (Wibble) evening if you're in the US). - smilies are either the bane of online existance or one of the coolest things about it - either way, h2g2 has a TON of them. smiley - angelsmiley - ponysmiley - zensmiley - biggrinsmiley - ale -GuideML is sort of like HTML, but not; it's XML. And it can be confusing at times, so this is the best place to go to find out how to do it. - ever had a question you've never found the answer to? Chances are, someone on h2g2 will know the correct answer.

A632431 - A community like h2g2 eventually creates its own specialized vocabulary- and some of it can get rather confusing. Go here to catch up.

Now, my favorite thing about h2g2 is the absolutely huge number of clubs and societies... there's something for everyone's interest. For an example of what there is here - visit my user page at U50994 to see the sort of stuff I've joined in the threeyears I've been here. smiley - smiley

If there's anything at all you need - clarification, or just someone to chat to - don't hesitate to let me know by either replying to this message or by leaving me a note on my personal space. smiley - smiley

Enjoy, and I hope to see you around the Guide!

~Amy (ACE, Guru, Keeper of Wolves, Muse of Procrastinating Novelists, High Priestess of Thing, Musicians' Guild Member)

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