This is the Message Centre for Bushwhack'd

Hello Bushy

Post 1

Beatle Juice

I thought I would just say Hello to you, as your board seems to have been hijacked, and they have voted you out. Shame! I really enjoy reading your contributions, but that Magster Woman seems to have got something against you. Can't fathom out what. Any time you want to come and sit under my table Bushy, you are very welcome. luv JB

Hello Bushy

Post 2

The Magster

Hello JB, sorry for butting in here but I saw your comment about me smiley - smiley I don't have anything against Bushy aka Pinky aka 666, thank goodness smiley - winkeye It is all part of the game...honest guv. Mind I have no doubt that Bushy will now deny this completely and say that I am well, terrible, awful things, because that's the way we are. You should see what he says to me on YM. Unprintable!
I wouldn't want you to think that I am nasty, I'm quite nice when they let me out to play smiley - biggrinsmiley - lovesmiley - zen

Hello Bushy

Post 3


who are you?

Hello Bushy

Post 4


Dear Ms. Beatle,

What a jolly nice message and I was so pleased to receive it, many thanks!

Unfortunately, I must report that everything Magster suggests is true and I am a bit of a villain. I deserve all the criticism that I get! It would appear that I do seem to attract attention wherever I go? Perhaps I should change my tailor or aftershave maybe as it surely cannot be my attitude? smiley - whistle

Hope this message finds you well ...

Kind Regards,


Hello Bushy

Post 5

The Magster

Bushy...this who are you joke....don't you think it might be wearing a little thin? smiley - biggrin
Show me the money......soon...or you know what happens smiley - winkeye

Hello Bushy

Post 6



Hello Bushy

Post 7

The Magster

shall I whisper in your ear?

Hello Bushy

Post 8

Beatle Juice

Well Bushy, that was very formal. Especially for someone who not long ago was hiding under my table, after being chased off 5Live. As I don't watch BB Bushy, I am just making up stuff to join in a bit. But as you can see, I've probably got the wrong end of the you know what again. I'm going to vote for you Bushy, so don't you worry. luv JB

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