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Hey Bushy

Post 1


I found you! Grey matter creaking into action!smiley - cheers

Hey Bushy

Post 2


Hello loloubelle! Well done ... If you look at the thread "Is this..." by looking at my space, that is where you pick up the rest of the usual suspects!

Welcome and enjoy ...

Hey Bushy

Post 3


Do you know anything about engineering Bushy? I am a bit stuck with something and I immediately thought of you!

I need to come up with a topic for a project which has something to do with engineering (pref. civil eng) and may include a bit of physics and maths. No more than 2 internet sources and a minimum of 15 sources in total.......big problem really (oh, and not about Brunel either??!!)

Inspiration would be appreciated..the topic would not be a problem but the info is! Any suggestions?smiley - erm

PS I will never disagree with you again and will immediately abandon my capitalist ways if you can help!

Hey Bushy

Post 4



I have only just noticed this from the scuffle we had over heroin on the MB! Can I just say that I do not wish to force my agenda on anyone, merely convince that I have relevant points and ideology. I always enjoy a good roasting from you and some of the others ...

Right, engineering is not really my field but physics is! I can give you huge amounts of material on both classical physics, relativity (special and general), and quantum mechanics. I could also provide you histories of how each area developed to where it is now along with some of the mathematics. If you find a project you feel is suitable why not run it past me and I will put a physics slant on it if you think that maybe appropriate?

There is a multi-tude of cicil engineering projects going on around the world (although not as many as there was before this war-mongering started I just have to add!) so why not try researching some engineering websites? Let me see if I can find some for you ...

Back in a bit!

Hey Bushy

Post 5



Try some of these links to find your topic:

When you find something let me know and I can hopefully offere a few meagre bits and bobs from what I know about physics. What is this for by the way if you do not mind me asking?

Hey Bushy

Post 6


Bushy you are a star!

I will hunt around later.

I am starting a Civil and Construction Engineering degree next year....doing Foundation Technology course at the moment (over the hill student!) A major project forms a big bit of my course and it needs to be relevant to the degree I am going to do, as well as having something to do with the subjects I'm doing this year which are: Physics, Chemistry, Maths, Engineering Principles, Programming and Stats.

I thought I might do the collapse of the twin towers from an engineering point of view and include some stuff about how buildings actually stand up and how and why they fall down...some physics/maths in there maybe?

And in answer to your next question, yes it's a strange subject for a 30 something female to want to study but hey, why not?! smiley - cheerssmiley - cheers

Hey Bushy

Post 7



I applaud your efforts to get educated! I will help as much as I can regardless of your political affiliations, education comes before politics! I am currently doing a degree in Physics myself. Bit bored at mo to be honest as my next course doesn't start 'til January! Best of luck with it anyway ...

I watched a TV prog on C4 about the collapse of the Towers so there should tonnes of stuff on 'Net about it! It happened largely because of the design nature and also lack of maintainence on certain load bearing support structures and their fireproofing.

Will have a look around for you... See you!

Hey Bushy

Post 8


I knew I'd read and seen something about this topic. Do you take Scientific American or New Scientist?

Found this anyway ...

Should set you on the tracks but remember read as much as you can, make notes and write your piece from scratch. OU in particular are very careful about plagiarism from Web Sources. What Uni are you going to by the way?

Hey Bushy

Post 9


Well cheers Bushy.

All in vain, my tutor is a total pig and says I can't do it! Personally I think there's a bit of a conspiracy goin' on because all last years appear to be along similar lines..i.e our tutor's subjects! Now you know me, never one to go with the flow so I am now going to spend the evening searching for the perfect topic! Roads and bridges interest me (that's what I want to get into eventually...but then again, what about roads and bridges could I research??!! Oh it'll come to me! All this research and stuff is new to me, always been a bit of a humanities person before.

I'm at University of Wales College, Newport by the way, fine place it is too! I just love the Welsh!

I don't envy you with your Physics, although I must say I have gotten to grips with it quite quickly and find chemistry by far the harder subject.

Anyway, I'm off to take a peek at that link you sent me, maybe something will take my eye.

Thanks again,

Lou smiley - cheers

Hey Bushy

Post 10


Project update!

I have found a topic!

I'm going to do some research into asbestos, and all the nasty little side effects/ current regs./ disposal e.t.c.

I know it's not your thing really, but if you (or mates) know anything, info would be appreciated!

Byeesmiley - smiley

Hey Bushy

Post 11


I got you info. from various sources...

Do you want me to post on here louloubelle? By the way I passed my first year of my degree. Found out at weekend and bounced around for 3 days like a cat that had got locked in a creamery!

Hey Bushy

Post 12


Very well done Bushy. I danced around all day on Friday and am still feeling slightly under the oldies still know how to party!!
I was quite pleased with myself this week too, we do tests in Physics to get our credits and because they're quite short we need 100% passes to get the level 3 credit...guess who passed??!! I was so pleased even though it was only pretty basic stuff...I have learned so much in 3 and a half months I have surprised myself really!

I don't think you'll track me down and murder me so you can send anything you think I'll like to [email protected]

Thank you so much for the help, I have found a few odds and ends but I've got to come up with an intro by mid-Jan so drastic action is called for!

Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year smiley - alesmiley - bubblysmiley - magicsmiley - biggrin

Love Lou

Hey Bushy

Post 13


Hallo louloubelle,

Have e-mythered that stuff I mentioned! Sorry, been on hols and haven't bothered checking on-line for a few weeks! Hope you had a good 'un!

Later 'tater!

Hey Bushy

Post 14


I have rallied a bit over the past 24 hours and have come up with a killer intro. to my project...until my tutor rips it to bits next week! Found a great quote from John Gummer in 1983 to start off now hoping the parliament stationery office will help me out with a reference!

I will need help to keep the motivation up...getting that "why am I doing this" feeling at the moment! Is this normal?

Just one little appear to have very "old" views on things...are you too a student of advancing age?

Got to unexpected visitors and must have one last bash at Xmas spirit....still haven't finished the chemistry report....hey it's my first...what are all these sub-headings about??!!!!

Love to you and Ms. Bushy smiley - oksmiley - cheerssmiley - ale

Hey Bushy

Post 15


"Old" views? Now there's an interesting comment! I've never heard that before... Why would you say that? I am not offended in any way but am ever so slightly intrigued!

I'm 33 and so yes, I am a "mature" student I suppose.

In terms of the dreaded "why am I doing this?" feeling I can assure you that it is completely normal and even now I am suffering from it! My academic year starts now and those feelings get worse toward the middle of the course and get better as you start to get back into swing of things later in year! I must also point out that all is not lost! The feeling of sheer joy and relief as you send off your assignment or start your exam (I actually like exams!) and realise that you have actually learned something and can answer the questions is worth it's weight in gold. It can also be quite addictive so please stick with it! Keep doing your best and you WILL pass, I absolutely guarantee it!

Use your tutors and talk to other students. Even drop me an e-myther if you need a little help or just an occasional moan or the like! First assignment and an ECA due by end of this month! I haven't done very much yet BUT I will pass and I'll enjoy it when I do!!

Best of luck!

Bushwhack'd. (Student of Advancing Years!) smiley - winkeye

Hey Bushy

Post 16


Aah well I'm just pretty good at guessing people's age on the MBs. We may not agree on much there, but you speak too much sense most of the time to be between the ages of 18 and 21!

I have physics tomorrow, and must now go and refresh my memory on what we did before the holidays...I feel another moan coming on already!


Lou smiley - smiley

Hey Bushy

Post 17


//e may not agree on much there, but you speak too much sense most of the time//

I shall take this the highest compliment loulou! Thanks!

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