This is the Message Centre for Pat Pending

loulou here...wanted or not

Post 1


Hello pat you tw*tsmiley - winkeye

Does the Guardian openly advocate this type of lifestyle? ...or are you really all so under-worked and over-paid that you have nowt else to do but pretend to be every poster except me on AF & fln??smiley - run

Now in the good ole days when one could walk down the high st. without being mugged and the blacks were kept in their own little secure unit, things were different my friendsmiley - winkeye

I cannot believe how all these asylum seekers have affected the house prices in my area... smiley - wahsmiley - winkeye??!!!!

Iraq...where's that? They got oil don't they smiley - winkeye

Must fly, my country needs mesmiley - run


A pain in your ass


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loulou here...wanted or not

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