This is the Message Centre for Pat Pending

ooooooooo, nicked !!

Post 1


smiley - handcuffssmiley - wow

pat i just wanted to say how sorry i was about result last night. i have always throught that west ham are a good team and have had a soft spot for them since stuart pearce played there. it is such a hard thing to be west ham fan right now. i still think you will stay up. i really believe they will make it if that is any consolation.

smiley - love krissy

ooooooooo, nicked !!

Post 2

Pat Pending

Thanks Kris.

It was really miserable last night. Resorting to cliches, I thought the boys played their hearts out, and the crowd were pretty good, but when things aren't going for you (Ian Pearce up front for gawd's sake), they just won't go for you.

I'm not sure how much longer we can cling to the belief that we're "too good to go down": we need some points!

ooooooooo, nicked !!

Post 3


trust me pat, they truly are getting there.

instead of saying too good to stay down turn it round a bit. *west ham are a great team and they are going to start winning. your journey through the next few months will be far more pleasant if you keep this* faith. there is no other way to truly support your team, they will not let you down.

trust me. smiley - angel

smiley - rose kris

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