This is the Message Centre for Pat Pending

my god

Post 1

kri stickle mass

i just had my mind blown good and proper pat you great big practical joker you.

i click on the strand and see ian has invaded us and no one mentioning it in the ensuing conversation then came to find who ian used to be and it was you, checked another strand and it is pat pen again. cheeky bugger smiley - tongueout

that was a real mindblow i can tell ya.

luv kris smiley - rose

my god

Post 2

Pat Pending

Delighted to have been of assistance Susie. Have a fantastic weekend.

my god

Post 3

kri stickle mass

hi pat sweetie,

hope you are happy and well this fine new morning.

what happend to the photo you said you would post...your tern, sea gull ible i am not. smiley - tongueout

smiley - hug krissmiley - rose

my god

Post 4


hey pat !!

have you got that photo ready yet??? smiley - tongueout

kris smiley - rose

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