This is the Message Centre for Pat Pending

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Post 1


Hello, Pat Pen

Nice to see you up the Gorge - if distantly. I'm afraid ... it's the paranoia inherent in the < spyness> my doctors tell me.

Don't listen to a word Chelsea says about me ... it's all lies.... lies I tell you... the last OOVwas killed supporting the retreat of the IX HISPANA ... I was't there ....

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Post 2

Pat Pending

Hello Seannachie,

Only just seen this (not quite got the hang of the whole h2g2 thing yet, but I'm getting there). Thanks for popping in and leaving a meassage. I'll find it hard to ignore or disbelieve Chelsea Girl I think because she's just so lovely, but I'll give it my best shot.

Hope I didn't knacker the Gorge up when I fell into it: I think we're back on track now.

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