This is the Message Centre for gubbins

Hi there...

Post 1

Amy: ear-deep in novels, poetics, and historical documents.

Changing your user name is real easy.

If you're surfing in the Alabaster skin (white background, sort of yellow and blue and orange around the edges), there will be a button at the top of your page that says "preferences". Click that, and you can change your name in the appropriate box there. In Goo (blue background), it's on the side, and in Brunel (red, green, blue alternately), on the side as well. smiley - ok

Anyway! My name is Amy, and it is my duty to welcome you to h2g2! I'm an ACE, an assistant community editor, and we are the volunteer meeters and greeters of this site. smiley - smiley

To make conversations with other members, just click the "discuss this entry" link on their pages (usually at the end of their personal spaces), or click on the reply that appears after their message, just like after this one. smiley - smiley

If there's anything you need, don't hesitate to let me know. I will reply as soon as classes, work, and sleep allow. smiley - biggrin

~Amy (ACE, Guru, Keeper, Muse, Thingite, Musicians' Guild Member)

Hi there...

Post 2


Thank you Amy, for your remarks on my registration. I am still upin the air over this project. Perhaps I have bitten ff more than I can chew. In 2 days time I will be in the "mid eighties" God willing!!!!!

Hi there...

Post 3

Amy: ear-deep in novels, poetics, and historical documents.

smiley - laughsmiley - smiley

It's really not all that complicated - and I'll be here if you ever need any help with anything at all. smiley - smiley

Hi there...

Post 4


keeping you up to date,remember I had to go away for a bit? I have had the all clear at long last,and there is nothing that needs surgery..Perhaps we could get going now eh?

Hi there...

Post 5

Amy: ear-deep in novels, poetics, and historical documents.

But of course. smiley - smiley

Hi there...

Post 6


Hi gubbins. YOu said in another thread Amy failed to reply to your message. Was it this thread you were talking about?

Hi there...

Post 7

Amy: ear-deep in novels, poetics, and historical documents.

smiley - huh

Er, unless there was another question I never saw, I replied. smiley - erm

Hi there...

Post 8


Yeah I know. Maybe this one: - (btw. I'm not being nosey or critical Amy, just trying to help) :)

Hi there...

Post 9

Amy: ear-deep in novels, poetics, and historical documents.

Ah, I see. *wonders how in the world she was expected to see something not on her space*

smiley - erm

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