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Post 1


Colin II

The search for the re-incarnated Colin had been long and hard, covering several years - cyber years, that is - partly no doubt, to the bad Karma heaped on him, in the last few weeks of his previous life, but the Abbot was sure now that the young person before him was the re-incarnation of Colin the Monk.

‘Now’, he thought, ‘perhaps this one's true life can begin.’

Can it? It’s up to you. Begin here.

Colin? the Monk II

Post 2


Blast, forgot a subject. So here goes again!

The search for the re-incarnated Colin had been long and hard, covering several years - cyber years, that is - partly no doubt, to the bad Karma heaped on him, in the last few weeks of his previous life, but the Abbot was sure now that the young person before him was the re-incarnation of Colin the Monk.

‘Now’, he thought, ‘perhaps this one's true life can begin.’

Can it? It’s up to you. Begin here.

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