This is the Message Centre for Seannachie


Post 1

turvy (Fetch me my trousers Geoffrey...)

Thanks for the support!!

I am classified too.

Felis Schrodingus - the cat who walks hrough walls.smiley - smiley

turvysmiley - blackcat


Post 2

turvy (Fetch me my trousers Geoffrey...)

Please feel free to use the following wherever you wish.



Post 3


You must know Pixel, then ... Haven't heard from her in years. I always thought that the last specimen of Felis Schrodingus was extinguished in the late twenties ... it's so nice to be wrong.

I have a nice black box - de-natured of course - if you're interested.

smiley - cheers


Post 4

turvy (Fetch me my trousers Geoffrey...)

I could never decide whether to eat the food or not and I hid from the researcher every time she looked in through one or other of he slits!

tur| |ckcat>


Post 5

turvy (Fetch me my trousers Geoffrey...)

Have another 't'


Post 6


No-body's drinking tea where I am tonight ... and given the proximity of a splendid distillery, it's amazing I can type this well on the [expletive deleted ] laptop. Still we're all Gaels in here and since there's a 'y' in the day, we're drinking whisky - real whisky, dispensed in generous tots which ignore the ECC & all its works - entirely unrelated to the miserly dispensed substitutes in the South...

And no, I'm not on duty ...retired am I least from the former occupation ....

Soon, it will be my turn to sing ....Close your window -TIGHT!

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