This is the Message Centre for rabbi williams(famous jewish pub singer)
rabbi williams(famous jewish pub singer) Posted Jan 17, 2003
well hikermike
im a 32 yr old manager for a telecommunications firm i live on the wirral and im a real keen sailor and have recently started writing with a friend of mine but our structure needs some work.I also play in an all brass funk band called the brasshoppers we play all over the country and also do the skiing seasons around the alps which unfortunately i miss most of,so its a good job trumpet players are ten a penny i suppose.I share my house with my girlfriend emma and my neopolitan mastiff abbey i do enjoy gin well thats about all really catch yer later sorry it took a while to respond ivebeen away 4 a few whats your story then?
hikermike - guardian of the wa Posted Jan 31, 2003
Well, Im an English teacher(24) working and living in Japan, where Ive decided I want to do something else, but I dont know what. I found this site by total accident, and now spend too much time here. I really want to learn about web-building, (specifically i-mode or compactHTML) but I think its just not interesting enough to hold my attention.(My attention span being ludicrously short) I cant do apostrophes because when I try I manage to get Japanese characters on the computer instead.
And the name Rabbi Williams just caught my eye, so I thought Id mail you.
Any advice?
rabbi williams(famous jewish pub singer) Posted Jan 31, 2003
well after having 2 failed businesses and failing to finish a degree course my advise would be better not being taken even though im always flattered when asked.but japan sounds interesting i spent four months i n dubai last year,what a place,then again anuwhere seems exotic compared to this place!
hikermike - guardian of the wa Posted Feb 1, 2003
well, in that case, the first question would have to be, if you dont maind, what did you learn from the 2 businesses?
if you do mind, then whats the secret to a happy life?
hikermike - guardian of the wa Posted Feb 11, 2003
Aah, seems that I have momentarily misplaced the wa, through blatant ignoring of the rules of tact.
Apologies for awkward questions that need not to be asked, simply seeking advice on things to do and not do when starting a business..
As we say over here.
gomen nasai.
rabbi williams(famous jewish pub singer) Posted Feb 11, 2003
well hello i wasnt ignoring your question i actually started a reply the other day but left work and logged out of the computer before i in answer to your question i did learn a lot mainly dont carry your eggs in one basket and if you hear on the grapevine that a company has money troubles but denies this vehemently most of the time theyre already bust,unfortunately it took two goes to learn this lesson.also people who dont work for themselves will never realise the pressures of self employment,its great when the goings good,but you dont really want to be there when it starts getting rough.all in all i would do it again but maybe not where i need outlay for materials and labour maybe some kind of service which involves information or systems ideas.but under no circumstance go into building because at some point you wil be stiffed by someone.
i dont mean to put you off it does have great rewards but just keep a level head for the first couple of years so if you do make a profit try and keep some back dont go mad and buy bigger cars or increase expenditure if it aint broke dont fix it.
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- 1: hikermike - guardian of the wa (Jan 12, 2003)
- 2: rabbi williams(famous jewish pub singer) (Jan 17, 2003)
- 3: hikermike - guardian of the wa (Jan 31, 2003)
- 4: rabbi williams(famous jewish pub singer) (Jan 31, 2003)
- 5: hikermike - guardian of the wa (Feb 1, 2003)
- 6: hikermike - guardian of the wa (Feb 11, 2003)
- 7: rabbi williams(famous jewish pub singer) (Feb 11, 2003)
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