This is the Message Centre for Hewho Might

Welcome to h2g2

Post 1


I have to say, your introduction made me remember there was more to life than the one we are living now. It's simple, it's beautiful. It made me smile.

But anyway, I'll do my job...

I'm VIP (very important Princess). I'm here to welcome you to the site and to be someone to turn to if you have any questions. Nothing is too stupid, I promise!

If you like, you could visit these places, designed to help ease you into the world of h2g2.

I learnt my way round this place just by getting lost; going to peoples' Spaces, following links and reading pages until i found things that cought my eye. You are more than welcome to start at mine! (U188069)

I hope you find what you want here. Have fun!


smiley - fairy

Welcome to h2g2

Post 2

Hewho Might

Thanks VIP. Thats nice.
I've been sat here for a few hours linking back and forth, reading the writers yearbook and watching Ewan McGregor in Rogue Trader on telly.
I checked out your space and thought your appreciation of the random
was cool.
For now I am happy to wander in this new world without aim.

Ring bells. Rejoice. Buy my book.

Welcome to h2g2

Post 3


It's always to have a little welcome to something new. I was most surprised and gratified when my ACE came to see me. And I asked some stupid questions. Ah well, such is life. Hope all goes well for you.


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