This is the Message Centre for serenity
Hello, Lady Helen
serenity Posted May 22, 2005
dont worry... im sure there any wany welsh people who cant say them either
we english, have our own pronunciations.. we know what we mean, even if no one else does
Hello, Lady Helen
Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear } Posted May 22, 2005
Fortunately, I have no accent at all, and so everyone can understand me. Well, that's my story anyway.
Hello, Lady Helen
serenity Posted May 22, 2005
i have what is commonly called a 'brummie' accent.
i was born just outside Birmingham in a place called West Bromwich and live in the north Birmingham area for 22 years.
i moved to Telford, which is about 35 miles west of Birmingham 26 years ago and i still have my brummie accent, though not as strong.
Telford is in another county(shropshire) and has an accent of its own..
Hello, Lady Helen
Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear } Posted May 22, 2005
From talking about accents with a number of folks, ... I understand there is very little variation in the southern regions. But once mid-country and northwards. Nearly each town can have a distinct flavour of it's own. I would find that quite enjoyable.
How-ever, from experience, I've learned that as little as 2 or 3 days in an area, and I adopt the local accent. We have quite a number of flavours from Irish, Scottish and English in the Atlantic provinces. And of course, French.
Hello, Lady Helen
serenity Posted May 24, 2005
im checking anything pc based right now.
i will check the other after ive done a bit more to the painting.
how are you?
Hello, Lady Helen
Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear } Posted May 24, 2005
I'm doing okay, thank you. For me, it feels like a typical Monday, the first day back to work. But that will pass ...
Hello, Lady Helen
serenity Posted May 24, 2005
but its times like this, that it throws the system out of the window and you never know what day it is
Hello, Lady Helen
Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear } Posted May 24, 2005
Oh yeah, having had a 4-day week-end, the whole body gets confused ...
Well, not all parts, just the cognitive bits ...
Hello, Lady Helen
serenity Posted May 24, 2005
we have that pleasure next week.
its Whit Week here and that means a week off for the lucky ones and day off for the not so lucky.
grumpy has a day off from his main job and a week off from his school runs.
which affects my online time
Hello, Lady Helen
Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear } Posted May 24, 2005
How rude of the authorities to create holidays, ... just to inconvenience you! Here they seem to do it just so I'll have that much more work at home.
Hello, Lady Helen
Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear } Posted May 24, 2005
And thus we have hootoo, The Land of Unbound Silliness !!! And certain threads, that lighten the load.
Hello, Lady Helen
Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear } Posted May 24, 2005
If the comic glasses-nose-and-mustache fits.
Nawww, good Lady, there's always something amusing to be found around these threads. The reason I pop in every day or so, ... a bit of pick-me-up.
Hello, Lady Helen
serenity Posted May 25, 2005
yes. you can usually find some comment to chuckle at
but not right now... ive only just woken up and the body isnt really working properly yet.
im not a morning person
Hello, Lady Helen
Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear } Posted May 25, 2005
Awww, , I'm sorry to hear things are a bit slow to engage. I've been a 5 a.m. waker for decades and often have more of my days' tasks met before the world awakes.
Perhaps a few will get the fluids coursing again?
Key: Complain about this post
Hello, Lady Helen
- 101: serenity (May 22, 2005)
- 102: Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear } (May 22, 2005)
- 103: serenity (May 22, 2005)
- 104: Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear } (May 22, 2005)
- 105: serenity (May 24, 2005)
- 106: Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear } (May 24, 2005)
- 107: serenity (May 24, 2005)
- 108: Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear } (May 24, 2005)
- 109: serenity (May 24, 2005)
- 110: Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear } (May 24, 2005)
- 111: serenity (May 24, 2005)
- 112: Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear } (May 24, 2005)
- 113: serenity (May 24, 2005)
- 114: Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear } (May 24, 2005)
- 115: serenity (May 24, 2005)
- 116: Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear } (May 24, 2005)
- 117: serenity (May 24, 2005)
- 118: Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear } (May 24, 2005)
- 119: serenity (May 25, 2005)
- 120: Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear } (May 25, 2005)
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