This is the Message Centre for serenity

Hello, Lady Helen

Post 1101

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

Or otherwise distracted with stuff like work. smiley - groan

Hello, Lady Helen

Post 1102


work??? whats that? smiley - headhurtssmiley - ill

Hello, Lady Helen

Post 1103

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

It's that ugly, nasty thing I'm trying to eliminate. As soon as I find exactly the right lottery ticket.

Or some really very wealthy Lady, willing to take me in as her ... Well, we won't say here, ... family oriented as this site is. smiley - laugh

Hello, Lady Helen

Post 1104


dont bother looking in my direction.. i havent got any money smiley - wah

im finally getting around to hanging the last 2 pieces of wallpaper in the junkroom.. the one i started to decorate many moons ago.

Hello, Lady Helen

Post 1105

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

Of course, to save on after-project laundry, you do remember the most suitable attire? smiley - bigeyessmiley - droolsmiley - tongueout

Hello, Lady Helen

Post 1106


in this weather?. its not summer anymore smiley - laugh

Hello, Lady Helen

Post 1107

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

You simply have to work faster then, to keep warm. smiley - evilgrin

Hello, Lady Helen

Post 1108


im warm enough thanks smiley - smiley

im just about to hang the last piece and then its time to go, for now smiley - blue

he is has got an early finish smiley - wah

Hello, Lady Helen

Post 1109

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

Well, if you find your way back later, you know which e-mails to find me at. smiley - smiley

smiley - hug

Hello, Lady Helen

Post 1110


the one on the right?????

smiley - laugh

Hello, Lady Helen

Post 1111

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

No, no, the OTHER right. smiley - rofl

When in doubt, do a multiple line broadcast. Where-ever I am, you know that I'll answer. Always with a smiley - smiley and a smiley - hug

Hello, Lady Helen

Post 1112


i always do a multiple thingy.

the times that it gets bounced back from the forces address, is too many to count smiley - blue
anyone would think i was a spy trying to pinch your top secrets smiley - laugh

Hello, Lady Helen

Post 1113

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

When all you're really trying to do is pinch something else, eh? smiley - evilgrin

Hello, Lady Helen

Post 1114


your wallett??? smiley - evilgrinsmiley - run

why the nametag? smiley - headhurts

Hello, Lady Helen

Post 1115

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

Just thought I'd spice up the name a bit, ... and they are valid 'suffixes'. The CD is for "Canada Decoration", 12 years of meritorious service. (Followed by CD1 for 22 years, CD2 for 32, etc) The other bit was my final rank, Master Corporal

Hello, Lady Helen

Post 1116


showing off eh??

Hello, Lady Helen

Post 1117

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

Nawww, I just change it a little every now and then. And nothing else came to mind.

Sometimes it's with a jibe at some one in particular, but no-one's peeved me lately. smiley - laugh

Hello, Lady Helen

Post 1118


it must be very nice to have letters after your name.

ive done nothing in my life to warrant letters. my life is wasted in some ways. i cant even to the parenting bit right smiley - blue

Hello, Lady Helen

Post 1119

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

I had one other set, CET for Certified Engineering Technician. But I let membership lapse in the organization. It proved to nothing to me but an annual professional due to pay ...

And Lady, you've done stuff. Such as they proved to be, you raised a pair to adult-hood. A lot of folks give up on that and walk away from it.

Hello, Lady Helen

Post 1120


ive fixed that light switch and ive finally finished the walls !!!!!

now all i have to do is put the room straight.
and get the rest of the house tidied.

ive got company tonight.
i will tell you all about it when i see you during the darts match smiley - winkeye

ttfn smiley - kiss

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