This is the Message Centre for serenity

Hello, Lady Helen

Post 181


weve had quite a good downpour for most of the day.

would need loads of barrels for the amount of rain that we have had smiley - laugh

Hello, Lady Helen

Post 182

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

Then please send me some. I've lots of wires open for another hour or so. smiley - biggrin

Hello, Lady Helen

Post 183


the smiley - bleep has hit the fan and im not sure when i will be online over the next few days.
im not getting much time to myself..

will mail you when i can.

Hello, Lady Helen

Post 184

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

I'm just now home and other lines are open. If you do find time. I won't impose "calls" on you ...

Hello, Lady Helen

Post 185


my pc will think that ive deserted it smiley - laugh

on a scale of 1 to 10... life is about a -15.
i really wish a could go to sleep and wake up when its all finished.

if ever i needed that shining knight, its right now...

Hello, Lady Helen

Post 186

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

Have you tried WWW.KNIGHTS-R-US.COM ?? smiley - erm

Hello, Lady Helen

Post 187


now, why didnt i think of that? smiley - laugh

Hello, Lady Helen

Post 188

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

These days, you can find ANYTHING on the net. Mates, clothes, "rabbit" things, .... smiley - laugh

Hello, Lady Helen

Post 189


we have already got a dog, goldfish and hampster.

i dont really want anymore pets smiley - run

Hello, Lady Helen

Post 190

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

*ahem* I've read another thread, where ladies mentioned "rabbits' ... a personal toy? smiley - evilgrin

Gotta face my work of the week-end now. There are e-mails on both wires, as you find the time. later, lovely Lady. smiley - smooch

Hello, Lady Helen

Post 191


i knew that. i didnt want to lower the tone of the thread smiley - laugh

i think ive replied. i cant remember. its been another one of those days.
visitors, many phone calls and the clean up operation..

im ready for my bed and its only 7.30pm smiley - sleepysmiley - laugh

Hello, Lady Helen

Post 192

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

You've had a long 40 or 50 hours, haven't you? I do hope the next try at sleep is mopre successful. smiley - smiley

Hello, Lady Helen

Post 193


what is sleep??

ive had another rough night. my eyes feel as if there is a whole beach in them smiley - blue

Hello, Lady Helen

Post 194

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

I know the feeling. I woke around 1'ish my time with a wicked head-ache. And it's had me awake about 5 times. smiley - groan

Hello, Lady Helen

Post 195


how is your head now?

ive been up for a couple of hours and i still feel rough.
i can see me falling asleep this afternoon smiley - laugh

Hello, Lady Helen

Post 196

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

With a 2nd smiley - coffee, the head is easing. I will, no doubt, catch a nap later. Since I wake so early every day, I have no qualms about a small nap on week-ends.

BTW, there's a brief reply to your e-mail. smiley - smiley & smiley - smooch

Hello, Lady Helen

Post 197


i didnt manage to get any sleep...

he was doing the mind games and martyr act smiley - blue

Hello, Lady Helen

Post 198

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

Well, hopefully tonight will be a bit quieter, with a couple of less persons under the roof ... smiley - smiley

Hello, Lady Helen

Post 199


mornin nick smiley - hug

ive got so used to various sounds and movements from other people, im finding it strange, not hearing them now.
i was sitting at the pc last night, wondering why T had been out of her room to go to the bathroom.

i did manage to get some sleep, but as its early mornin.... im not functioning yet.

i need more smiley - coffeesmiley - laugh

Hello, Lady Helen

Post 200

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

It looks like I'll be home today, so if you find some wired time ... smiley - smiley

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