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serenity Posted Apr 23, 2008
Hello Sal.
Im not sure what im going to be doing. Ive opened my pressies and im waiting for breakfast in bed (toast).
Our grandaughter will be coming round after school and im sure she will expect to have 'pass the parcel'. She is only 5 and thinks every party should have one
smurfles Posted Apr 23, 2008
But she's right
i hope she gets the last piece of the parcel!!
Have a good day,whatever you decide to do!!!
serenity Posted Apr 23, 2008
well i tried to do my own thing as they say, but of course it didnt work out.
i was in the bath having a leisurely soak when the call came.. so it was one mad dash to get to town to buy some suitable foods and toys for goody bags etc etc.
big is 5 and knows EVERYTHING. little
is 2 and just starting out
i was under orders to wear my party frock. i wore a floaty skirt and floaty top. dead smart but was criticised. @its only a skirt and top, not your party frock'
little decided to do the pass the parcel before we had chance to do any music and then big
wanted to do it again and we didnt have another parcel.
little just loved the ballons.
the food was a success and all seemed to have a good time.
the trouble is, its not really a relaxing day for the actual party girl
smurfles Posted Apr 25, 2008
Awww,it's lovely to be able to share it with the little ones though!!!
Now you just need a day out,somewhere nice and relaxing,being treat to a meal!!That should make up for the relaxation you didn't get
serenity Posted Apr 25, 2008
that would be lovely, but right now, we havent got the finances. grumpy has been off work for a couple of weeks with bell's palsy.
so even if he could afford to take me out, he cant eat properly.
he has been living off cottage pie as its easy to eat.
maybe when ive cleared up the debts.. probably in time for my next birthday
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