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Belated happy birthday...

Post 1

dancinglady (Life's truest happiness is found in the friendships we make along the way)

Hello Helen,
I came across your name as I'm a friend of Smurfles and your birthday thread came up on my space. Happy Belated Birthday! How wonderful to be born on the 23rd of April! Saint George, Shakespeare and also the Spanish author Cervantes!!! (Bet you didn't know that!) A truly memorable day. If you have time to check out my space, you'll see that I live in Barcelona, Spain where we really celebrate Saint George's day as it should be celebrated. One of my journal entries describes what happens on the 23rd of April in Barcelona. Saint George (Sant Jordi over here!) is also the patron Saint of Barcelona by the way, just in case you're wondering what the connection is. Anyway, I hope you had a great birthday!
smiley - hugsmiley - rose

Belated happy birthday...

Post 2


hello dancing lady.

thank you for your birthday greetings and the history/geography lesson.
they are all very much appreciatedsmiley - smiley

you are the third person who is now speaking to me from spain.
im getting to be international smiley - biggrin

i speak to sal, most days on here. she is a good friend who gives good advice and is also a good laugh. she has to be to mix with ussmiley - rofl

once again thanks for getting in touch.

helensmiley - rose

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