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You`ll Love Me? LOL!...

Post 1


Hello, Gosh Yer just going to love Me? LMAO!. I smoke,drink (far too much hic!). And I hate knitwear with a passion. I don`t even know what the f**k cross stich is!, (Please enlighten Me?). Other than that Hiya!!!!. Hope Yer ok? and get back in touch. Even if it is only to tell Me about cross dressi...I mean cross stiching!.

You`ll Love Me? LOL!...

Post 2


and what makes you think that im going to love yousmiley - rofl

at least let me thank you for taking the time to read my profile and messaging me.

cross stitch is sewing method that uses a little stich that makes crosses(really technical stuff) and if you sew enough of them in all different colours, you end up with a picture. i bet you have seen them about and didnt realise what they were.

as for cross dressing, im never cross when i get dressedsmiley - nahnah

and you forgot to mention the footballsmiley - yuk with a username like yours, im surprised.!!!!

hiya, im fine thanks and you? pleased to meet you. im helen. who are you?

You`ll Love Me? LOL!...

Post 3


Hello Helen, My little new found patriotic friend. Ohhh! did I forget to mention that I`m a football fan LOL!. Yeh! I obviously support Blackpool and hate Preston as much as Knitwear jumpers Ha,ha,ha!. The hate of knitwear must be an age thing LMAO!, You always think of knitwear and old folk,and being 41yrs old feel I must stave off anything remotely to do with old age.
Anyway the names Platty (obviously Platt`s My surname) I`m a driver at the Royal Snail LOL! I like to think I`m just a normal everyday bloke Ha,ha,ha!. Well I`m happily divorced have 2 great Children (Benjamin 11 and Anthony 7) I see them every other weekend Fri to Mon,and have them most half-terms. I was lucky enough to get divorced 4yrs ago LOL!, So was able to start off again and bought a little place to call home.
Hey if You really want to know how freaky I am (Errrr! Used to be!) click on My page then go to friends list and click on to My old Lugosi page and read that intro!!!!!.
Do You celebrate the 23rd April?. Anyway enough about Me, Must have bored You in to a coma LMFAO!) hope to get a reply. Take care and all that PLATTY.

You`ll Love Me? LOL!...

Post 4



yes i do celebrate st georges day.

one has to have a birthday at some point in their lives and mine just happens to be then.
if you are around on thursday night, come to a thread called AWOL and have a drink with us. you seem as nutty as the rrest of ussmiley - rofl

you certainly have a warped outlook on life, but its very refreshing. i will read yourt profile as soon as ive sent this. i suppose i should have read it first to get a better idea of the nut who im talkingsmiley - whistle

i know what you mean about knitted jumpers, i used to hate my christmas pressies from my grandma when i was a kid. it was always a hand knitted jumper. but ive overcome the trauma and i knit loads of things. its a pity that i get fed up and have loads of unfinished itemssmiley - rofl

so its you who i have to blame, if my birthday cards dont arrive on time!!!

ttfnsmiley - hug

hsmiley - rose

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