This is the Message Centre for serenity


Post 1


Hi There,

i see you have added me as a pal but i dont know you so i thought id have a snoop on your page
is Helen your real name? your description of yourself reminds me of someone called Sandy i spoke to a few times on LD......

smiley - fullmoon


Post 2


hi smiley - smiley

im sorry that i cant offer you some wonderful explanantios as to why you are on my list. no doubt ive seen you on one of my threads, checked you out and saw something that interested me and put you on my list for future reference.

since the great digibox debacle, i havent been coming in here as much and i cant rememebr half of what i was doing before.

im definitely helen. but i think i know the sandy that you were talking about. comes from the kent area..

if you would prefer, i will take you of my list.

hsmiley - rose


Post 3


nope the Sandy i was referring to is from Telford.....
up to you about the pal list im not bothered, just wondered who you were.....

smiley - fullmoon


Post 4


i dont know of a sandy in telford.

in fact i only chat to a couple from here.
all of my other friends are scattered around the country.

smiley - rose

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