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Oh dear you aswell !!!

Post 1


Hi Helen
I see you have been having your say regarding the two threads from Marc & Trish, me too.
I cant beleive they think its ok to post that sort of " dirty talk"...Jeez you think they woukd be old enough to know better, obviously not smiley - sadface
Oh well time for work, maybe catch you later smiley - smiley

Oh dear you aswell !!!

Post 2


hi jen.

i only asked them to go behind the bikeshedssmiley - biggrin

so as a result, ive resigned from the tea shoppe and i no longer go in there. im not going to say what i really think as im not lowering my standards for anyone.

how is jonathan keeping?. i havent heard from him for a wshile. i know he doesnt sound too good from what ive seen in his postings.

have a good day and i will peak soon..
hsmiley - rose

Oh dear you aswell !!!

Post 3


Well you know your welcome to post to me anytime smiley - smiley
Yeah Jon's going though a rough patch, what with one thing and another, i'm sm sure it'll turn out fine though. You know how everything just seems to happen at once!! Murphy's Law!! smiley - yikes

Hows things with you hun? smiley - smiley

Oh dear you aswell !!!

Post 4


hi jen.
im tired and achy.
smiley - monster had a rare saturday off and we decided to go to birmingham on the train, ideally to finish the christmas shopping.
im originally from brum, but havent shopped there in over 10 years. the place has changed so much. theyve knocked down part of the markets section and rebuilt it all with a new shopping centre and it was a right game trying to find the shops as they had all moved.
i could manage the streets, but every time i went to look for a certain shop it wasnt there. talk about being a stranger in your own townsmiley - biggrin
still, we managed to buy as few bits and now im recovering fron the walking.

but i havent finished the christmas shoppingsmiley - wah

speak soonsmiley - smiley

hsmiley - rose

Oh dear you aswell !!!

Post 5


Hi Helen
oooh sounds like you've had a d a tiring day smiley - sadface..OMG i havent even thought of christmas shopping yet, i suppose i'll have to to brave it soon smiley - yikes
It was my grandsons smiley - monster birthday on monday he was 4. I think he had a nice day, but you never know with him smiley - erm he's a too smiley - sadface
I'm not having a good day today, apart from it being manic at work smiley - puff, its a day that would have been special but is'nt anymore (if that makes sense)
anyway catch up with you soon
jen smiley - smiley

Oh dear you aswell !!!

Post 6


i dont have the joys of a 4 year old grandchild yet.
i have a sort of granddaughter, as no actual marriages between everyone involved. she is 11 months old and is just starting to interact with everyone. she is brilliantsmiley - smiley

i know what you mean about the date. i have days like them as well.smiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - rose

Oh dear you aswell !!!

Post 7


morning jensmiley - smiley

how are you today?
i havent been at my best for a few days and i havent bothered coming in here.
ive finally got a digibox link the works and would you believe it.. its the original one that i had, so it must have been telepest playing up.
i couldnt very well ring up and complain that i cant get into h2 now now could ismiley - biggrin

speak soon..h.smiley - rose

Oh dear you aswell !!!

Post 8


Hi Helen
I'm ok smiley - ta just got back from town smiley - grr shoppings not one of my favourite passtimes smiley - laugh
How are you now? ok i hope smiley - smiley
Telepest has been playing up a bit recently, not that thats anything new smiley - laugh
I've got the dentist this afternoon smiley - yikes so i'm cramming in the smiley - choc before i go smiley - biggrin
catch you later
jen smiley - smiley

Oh dear you aswell !!!

Post 9


hi jen.

most people cram in the toothpaste before they go to the dentistssmiley - biggrin

i can finally get into h2 via my digibox. so im well pleased. ive got a lot to catch up onsmiley - wah

be in touch soon..
smiley - rose

Oh dear you aswell !!!

Post 10


Hiya Helen
smiley - sorry for the delay...i lost this thread smiley - grr Damn "Arkwrights" keyboard keeps unsubscribing me from threads smiley - grr and sometimes its so quick i dont see which one it is smiley - grr
Anyway hows things?
I've got the tribe comming today < smiley - monster & smiley - angel
Tomorrow Rebs, Di & Jon are comming over smiley - yikes i'll be knackered by monday smiley - laugh should be a good day though smiley - smiley
catch ya soon
take care
jen smiley - angel

Oh dear you aswell !!!

Post 11


hi jen.

im glad that im not the only one its happening to.
i keep ending up in chat instead of email. i hope that it doesnt get put on my bill.

so you have a crowd coming over the weekend???
shall i come and warn the neighbours?smiley - biggrin
smiley - monster and smiley - angel shouldnt be a problem.
but rebs and jon in the same room??smiley - whistle

i should be a good day. i wish i lived closersmiley - biggrin

speak soon..

smiley - rose

Oh dear you aswell !!!

Post 12


Hiya Helen
Well i survived the visit on sunday, not unscathed though. Rebs handprint is still on my bum where he slapped me!! smiley - laugh
We had a lovely day, despite the rain. Went out for lunch at the local pub, which was yummy!! smiley - smiley
Did alot of laughing aswell smiley - biggrin
How was your weekend?
gotta smiley - run off to work smiley - sadface
jen smiley - angel

Oh dear you aswell !!!

Post 13


mornin jen.

im sorry that i havent been around to reply.
ive had a rough week emotionally and wasnt up to being my usual friendly chatting and when i was feeling ok and wanted to talk i couldnt cos ive been having a terrible time trying to get in here.

i would have emailed you, but i dont have your address.

hsmiley - rose

Oh dear you aswell !!!

Post 14


Hi Helen
are you ok now? smiley - hug
Has the smiley - monster been playing up?

Its been a nightmare on here this week, loads of errors n stuff smiley - grr

Hope to ctach up with you soon smiley - smiley

Oh dear you aswell !!!

Post 15


hi jen.

no it wasnt smiley - monster. he has been a good boy for a changesmiley - biggrin
i still keep finding the odd comment about the tea shoppe and they have really upset me.

so i didnt bother coming in here. i have really been considering whether or not to stop using h2.

ive had the odd email from people wondering why im not here and they have left me some encouraging words. but im still not feeling 100% about being in here.

smiley - rose

Oh dear you aswell !!!

Post 16


Don't even think about that hun smiley - sadface your not really going to let them get to you in that way are you? Thier behaviour is nothing more than can childish smiley - grr This site has alot more to offer than the Tea Shoppe. Theres some good game threads on here and you meet lots of new poeple on them smiley - smiley Give it a go eh!! I'm subscribed to alot of them, so you can have a look smiley - biggrin
smiley - hug jen

Oh dear you aswell !!!

Post 17


its the way i am. id rather back away than stay where there is conflict.

but i will give the games a go. ive already subscribed to some other threads.

dont worry, i will get myself sorted eventually.

thanks for caringsmiley - smiley
smiley - rose

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