This is the Message Centre for serenity
leydaf xld Started conversation Sep 20, 2003
heres that little message i said id leave you im not on the most wanted list yet catch you back in email
serenity Posted Sep 20, 2003
ive only just found this
how are you feeling now?. must have been really bad to make you stay off work.
leydaf xld Posted Sep 20, 2003
got back tuesday loaded up and got back to the yard and got told to take a few days off so i must have looked bad off to scotch again tommorrow but will be on in the morn those changes on h2 are about the beeb reducing editorial staff from six to two on h2 and a fw other things
serenity Posted Sep 20, 2003
didnt she question your mobile beeping with my texts?.
i thought you had lost it again as you didnt
leydaf xld Posted Sep 20, 2003
luckily id turned the volume off on the txts and when i turn my fone on it only vibrates couldnt txt you back didnt get a chance
serenity Posted Sep 20, 2003
a vibrating one eh?... i must get me one of
dont worry about it, i knew you would get in touch when you could.
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