This is the Message Centre for JudeKat
Fellow cat lover
Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor Started conversation Oct 7, 2002
You must be a lovely person to have such a gorgeous daughter as LSF.
It's my pleasure to greet you, and as we must be approximately the same age, {I'm 47} I just wanted to let you know that not everyone here are spotty college
This is a great site and I've made lots of friends here, including some I've met in the flesh at meet-ups. There's a list of them on my personal space.
I hope you have an enjoyable time here as I've had!
Fellow cat lover
JudeKat Posted Oct 9, 2002
Yes my daughter is gorgeous - takes after her Mum
I hope to get to grips with this site, seems like it could be fun.
Glad to know that there is room for the wrinkles as well as the young
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Fellow cat lover
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