This is the Message Centre for kri stickle mass

the artist formerly known as pellicularpellucididitty?

Post 1

Colonel Codpiece

or something like that!smiley - biggrin

how are you?

and how are you with 'joint hypermobility' and extra ribs?smiley - smiley

that's not a dr lecter 'and chianti' kind of question....

the artist formerly known as pellicularpellucididitty?

Post 2


hi - yes i am pellicular pellucidity and i cant remember all the details i logged in with so have had to create a new account.

you're a lively character, colonel although i havent seen your scribblings in ages. pity, you are so colourful.

to your extra ribs and hypermobility. the best way to resolve hypermobility is to strengthen round the joints which requires weight bearing exercise. over a period of 6 months, consistent exercise with this focus will produce denser stronger ligaments. tendons and muscles grow relatively quickly so you must be careful not to load up on too much weight. moderate weight, high reps.

regarding the extra ribs, unless they are interfering structurally i dont think there is a need to worry. if you are getting abdominal pains due to said ribs, abdominal exrecise should level things out plus attention to posture when sitting.

lastly, there are food supplements you can take to enhance the effects of the exercises but they are really not necessary if you maintain a good wholesome diet - and i think all of us who have visited your place know that all your systems well and truly rock smiley - yawn

sorry it took so long to get back to you, i rarely get mail on here and had forgotten someone might post to me one day :-p

the artist formerly known as pellicularpellucididitty?

Post 3

Colonel Codpiece

mmm, colourful...makes a nice change...from 'insufferable pain in the smiley - bleep'

thanks for the advice, the extra rib is my mothers. i don't mean i stole it, just that it's her who has one. i give up.smiley - laugh she says it's causing deterioration in her hips and hands...and i say she's a freak of nature who's too lazy to carry her own shopping.

the hypermobility is mine, bit of a nuisance - but great at dinner parties.smiley - biggrin

i shall cease to bore you, but be warned, i will strike again!smiley - run

smiley - nahnahCHKetchup

smiley - footprintssmiley - footprints erm, can i use your toilet?smiley - blush

the artist formerly known as pellicularpellucididitty?

Post 4

kri stickle mass

hope you come back and visit soon, feel free to dump at mine any time !

mi bog es su bog, comprende, bueno !!

su amiga

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