This is the Message Centre for Æsahættr: Googling Fool (sorry, sorry, sorry - I'm not changing it now though)


Post 1

Miranda (Make tea! Yes, Cissdur, it's still me)


I haven't read the Pullman book, nor am I fluent in Old Norse, but it sounds to me to mean something like "God-scarer" - could that be right?



Post 2

Æsahættr: Googling Fool (sorry, sorry, sorry - I'm not changing it now though)

Oooh sorry about that - I didn't notice your message until just now - AAAAARRRRGGGHHH!!!

I didn't realise that the name was actually derived from an existing language - I just thought it sounded cool - but, yes, in the book the Subtle Knife is referred to as Æsahættr and also (I think - it's been a while now) as the 'God Destroyer'.

You certainly know more old norse than me!!smiley - biggrin


Post 3

Miranda (Make tea! Yes, Cissdur, it's still me)

smiley - biggrin Being Norwegian, I was forced to learn a little bit of Old Norse in school... In fact it's interesting!


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