Journal Entries
Posted Sep 24, 2002
For the whole of this week (23rd-28th September)there's the best ever magic show taking place in Oxford, starring two good mates of mine. Blackmailed into helping out I'm now a fully-fledged member of the tech crew as well as the official slacker of the team. This means I get to sit around talking to girls and drinking tea!
The only trouble is that now I can see how the tricks are done! It's hard to retain the childhood wonder of how the tricks are done when you helped set up the trapdoor! In all fairness though, there are some tricks that I've helped set up and I still don't know how they're done... Let's just hope the audience is as confused (or as stupid) as I am.
So, if anyone finds themselves around Oxford on the tues-sat evenings pop along to the Old Fire Station theatre (just down the way from the Odeon cinema in Gloucester Green before you reach the bus station) for an unforgettable show (either because the magic is so good or because the props will fall apart). Show starts at 7.30pm and tickets are under £10. So join us for an evening of magic, comedy and music from a live band! (Sorry 'bout the plug but I promised I would).
There's also a bar next door
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