This is the Message Centre for Ineffable, <Boing>-King!!!
Hey, I Went Through Montreal Once...
MissJonez Researcher 213755 Started conversation Jan 12, 2003
Well maybe twice.
I was headed for, then leaving, Ottawa.
The part of Montreal I saw was so historic...beautiful!
I am from the east coast of Canada.
The reason I am here is...
I saw an entry you made on someones page, and it was warm and gentle.
I liked it. shouldnt smoke.
I know, I know...
And I shouldnt mind other peoples business...yeah, yeah.
Its just dangerous (smoking), thats all.
Okay then, bye.
Hey, I Went Through Montreal Once...
Ineffable, <Boing>-King!!! Posted Feb 24, 2004
Hi, sorry, haven't checked this in a while... I'm in China now.... Glad you liked Montreal. Talk to you soon!
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Hey, I Went Through Montreal Once...
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