This is the Message Centre for Ineffable, <Boing>-King!!!
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Welcome Ineffable
Ineffable, <Boing>-King!!! Posted Sep 20, 2002
You think you could gimme an idea of a typical day in Scotland ... I've started a thread.. no one is answering!
Welcome Ineffable
Emily...overly fond of the ellipsis...and top ten lists...submit yours @ A87824361... Posted Sep 20, 2002
NO one shall ever see what I look like
actually I'm just scared shitless at being in front of a camera
cool pics though
Welcome Ineffable
Emily...overly fond of the ellipsis...and top ten lists...submit yours @ A87824361... Posted Sep 20, 2002
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Welcome Ineffable
- 21: Ineffable, <Boing>-King!!! (Sep 20, 2002)
- 22: Ineffable, <Boing>-King!!! (Sep 20, 2002)
- 23: Emily...overly fond of the ellipsis...and top ten lists...submit yours @ A87824361... (Sep 20, 2002)
- 24: Ineffable, <Boing>-King!!! (Sep 20, 2002)
- 25: Emily...overly fond of the ellipsis...and top ten lists...submit yours @ A87824361... (Sep 20, 2002)
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