This is the Message Centre for Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

Journal (the twenty-eighth)

Post 1

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

when I got up this morning it was at the site of a slightly more pink son than usual
smiley - biggrin
it seems that mummy somehow left her make-up bag next to him down stairs
and daddy had to clean up a red and black smiley - monster
to cut a long story short mummy needs some new red lipstick
and I'm not sure about the eye liner he used....
smiley - rofl
it's days like this I love being a mother

well when it was monsters bed time I also fell asleep smiley - yawn
and have just woken up from my nap....
it must have been that scampi I had for lunch I don't normally have a heavy lunch so it took me slightly by surprise at quite how sleepy i was after

smiley - monster surprised me today, grand-ma (mother in law) brought him home with a "happy meal" just when we had out down a plate full of pasta shells, and to my great joy he ate the pasta first before he enjoyed the fast food smiley - wow

so while I hope to recover from my nap and have a nice cool drink I shall bid you all good evening or whatever appropriate greeting fits your time zone

smiley - doctor Anthea

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