This is the Message Centre for LegersV007

AngelicWitch here

Post 1

AngelicWitch (ACE)

Hiya Ledgers,

I'm Andrea aka AngelicWitch! Ive talked to you on and off, I'm 21 years young and live just outside of Newcastle Upon Tyne, England! How old are you, are you male or female and where are you from? smiley - biggrin Andrea the smiley - star

AngelicWitch here

Post 2


well hello there Andrea

My name is Val, aka Vas, Vasily, Legend, Crazy Russian and few others... I am almoust 21 year old male (birthday coming up in October), and I live in Philadelphia, PA, States. As you might of guessed from the nick name, I was born in Russia Moscow.

How's you life going and what are your goals in life?
(couldn't think of anything else to say at the moment)smiley - biggrin

AngelicWitch here

Post 3

AngelicWitch (ACE)

smiley - cool
My ambition in life is to work abroad for a well-known holiday company or even become a Travel Journalist (to work on a program eg like GLOBETREKKER)! What have you been upto lately Val?
smiley - biggrin

L8rz AngelicWitch

AngelicWitch here

Post 4


Thats incredible, I would like to travel for a job but not interested in jobs that offer that. Therefore, I took up mechanical engineering, in hopes of getting job on some racing teamsmiley - biggrin

AngelicWitch here

Post 5

AngelicWitch (ACE)

smiley - biggrin cool!!!

AngelicWitch here

Post 6


I know, I just wish that I could get knowledge as fast as that dude from Matrix

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