This is the Message Centre for LegersV007


Post 61


don't get sad, we might win a billion


Post 62

Evoot - Back in Black!!

we???!?!?! erm... so when u when summat im getting tooo???

wat context u mean we in,lmao xxx

smiley - smooch


Post 63


As soon as I win my money, I'll fly to England and by you what ever you want


Post 64

Evoot - Back in Black!!

u wud???

awwwwwwww me smiley - love ya, tee heee

thats nice, hee hee xx but i wud pprob have loads and loads of stuff,lmao


Post 65


what kind o stuff are we talking about?


Post 66

Evoot - Back in Black!!

if i was allowed wat i wanted if u win money?? gosh, more chunky jewellery, few clthes and shoes, horse u can buy me and guitar or drumkit, hee heee

smiley - kisses lol xx

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