This is the Message Centre for LegersV007

You've been ACE'd...

Post 1


Funny, someone usually get there before me! Anyway:

A heartly welcome to the guide, LegendV007! smiley - biggrin
I'm an Assistent Communitor Editor, aka an ACE. I'm here to welcome you and show you around, if you want me to. You've already found the café I work and hang out in, so that's good!smiley - ok
A fellow ACE, Feisor, have made this page of links of places to go and things to do here: A719840.
Have a look around, and feel free to ask if you need anything, either by going to my space (Click on my name) and leave a message, or just click on reply here. smiley - smiley

You've been ACE'd...

Post 2


Thanks for the offer. I'll be sure to use all the info that I soo nicely gave me smiley - smiley And if YOU will ever need anything from someone like me feel free to get in touch with me. I'm always ready to help my friends.

You've been ACE'd...

Post 3


What info? Are you someone else in diguise, perhaps? smiley - huh

You've been ACE'd...

Post 4


well... In the past I've been known as famous Zorro. But than th gun was invented and I was out of job. A this point I'm not in diguise. My friends call me Val.

You've been ACE'd...

Post 5


My friends call me Bee. Or Bumble. smiley - biggrin
Have you figured out how to make smileys yet? < cake > makes smiley - cake. One of my favourites. smiley - biggrin

Oh, and I higly recommend you to subscribe to <./>ThePost</.>, our very own newspaper.

You've been ACE'd...

Post 6


Hey bee
Yeah, I understood how to use the faces and other stuff, I'm just tooooo lazy to remember all of it. As for the news paper, I don't like reading the news papers unles it has a Comix section. smiley - winkeye

You've been ACE'd...

Post 7


Comics? of course we have comics! smiley - biggrin
Try here: A608555
or here: A608672
Unfortunately it seems like the Post itself is on hold these days.

Enjoy! smiley - biggrin

You've been ACE'd...

Post 8


Thanks a lot.

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